Small tool to get last 24hour performance metrics of panos devices
Use either the binaries in or get the source into your GO workspace
go get
Basic usage requires just the following command line switches
- -h (host) : either in FQDN or IP address format
- -k (key) : API key to be used.
- -u (user) : you can provide user and password instead of API key
- -p (password)
- -i (interactive) : provide information about the progress in stdout
Example of basic usage
$ ./panloadmonitor -h -u admin -p admin -i
Sample prefix will be 20170510
Saving 20170510.csv
Other command line switches
- -loop : once a run is completed keep waiting for another run after 24 hours
- -panorama : loop through all devices connected to a Panorama and generate a csv file for each one
- -d (debug) : provide API interaction verbosity
Example of loop panorama usage
$ ./panloadmonitor -h -u admin -p admin -i -panorama -loop
Sample prefix will be 20170510
Attempting to get the list of connected devices
Switching to device serial number 007000000021636
Saving 20170510_007000000021636.csv
Switching to device serial number 015300000425
Saving 20170510_015300000425.csv
Going to sleep until next tick ...