spend less time editing letter templates in ms word.
user input for required information
user can create/save templates
generate pdf files from user input with some naming convention
easy to use for non technical user
- distribute as zip with executables?
- deploy to cloud, then send pdfs for download?
create .txt
files in the templates/
for example
bg: /bg_path/bg.png
[donation-1] //used when there are more than 1 donation in the input block and
[donation-2] //will result to "$[donation_amount] on [donation_date]"
//[donation-2] refers to the second donation and so on
//text styling
*bold text*
`small text`
all between ---
are for setup
all valid variables like [full_names]
will be replaced with value from the entry
file. others will be treated as a path to an image. the |30
for the image path
is the custom height (10 by default). everything else will be kept
note: if using the sample templates in the sample folder, you will have to update the paths to the images inside the assets folder.
- navigate to the file in the finder and select it.
- right-click or control-click on it and choose get info.
- in the window that opens, highlight and copy(command + c) the where field.
- paste it between
- under name and extension replace spaces with underscore
- copy the new name and extension, paste it at the end of the path
- should look like
paragraphs should be written in one line
pick a release release.
download a the .zip
file, unzip and move to location of your choice.
go to the bin folder inside letter_generator
and double click the server binary.
copy paste this link on your browser: http://localhost:3000
for convenience, add the server executable file to the dock
full_names // can have multiple names separated by `&` like `first last & first last & first last`
company_name (`-` if none)
donation_amount donation_date
donation_amount donation_date //there can be more than 1 donation
firstname|nickname lastname & firstname|nickname lastname
company_name (`-` if none)
donation_amount donation_date
entries separated by an empty line
to add a nickname to use instead of the firstname, do firstname|nickname lastname
on the [full_names]
line. if the firstname or nickname is more than
one word, use underscore like John_Paul
or Mr._J
click generate and the output folder should open.
write the input file and save it as whatever.txt
the same import format applies
generate pdfs
./path_to_letter_generator_executable ./whatever.txt
output pdfs are placed in a directory named pdf_output/date/
install: go, make, air
go mod download #install deps
make air #run air to watch server files
make tailwind #run tailwind cli and watch for file changes in server dir
make build #build cli and server binaries
make export_server #build and copy binary and static files to `output/` dir
- generate pdfs
- ui