Sferum Bot by @xKARASb
The packages that this application runs on
- Catch text messages and send to TG
- Catch media and send to TG (with TG limits)
- Send forwared messages with media
- You can get messages from several chats
- Clone repository:
git clone https://github.com/xKARASb/SferumBot.git
cd ./SferumBot
- Setup eviroment:
python3 -m venv ./venv
- Activate enviroment:
source ./venv/bin/activate
For Windows use .\venv\Scripts\Activate
- Setup dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Authentification cookie for bot:
Go to Sferum >> Ctrl + Shift + C >> Application >> Storage >> Cookies >> https://web.vk.me
After that you will see a table with all cookies from this site!
In filter put remixdsid
and copy data from value
Congratulations 🎉 you get auth cookie now just add it to AUTH_COOKIE
in example.env
- Bot token:
Go to: @BotFather and create new bot.
Then put HTTP API token in BOT_TOKEN
in example.env
- Telegram user id:
You can get it from @username_to_id_bot
And put your id to TG_USER_ID
in example.env
- Telegram chat id:
If you want the bot to send you messages in private messages, just copy TG_USER_ID
, else you can create a chat and add the bot there.
Give administrator rights to your bot
To send messages to one of the topics of supergroup instead of general also add TG_TOPIC_ID
- Sferum chat ids:
Get a peer (id) from chat url (https://web.vk.me/convo/{peer_id}
) and add it to VK_CHAT_ID
VK_CHAT_ID="200000015, 200000016"
So you can add several chats
- Rename
python startup.py
Free Software, Hell Yeah!