- It will give Notification everytime someone is near zone.
- RemoveZone added use
- Upto Two Argument Support for Events.
- No Duplicate zone will be added when you restart the Script which has target eye code in it.
- Remove Zone Support
(Thanks to https://github.com/OfficialNoms/bt-target)
- AddTargetEntity
- Can use eye even if the player has weapon in his hand.
- Fixed a glitch where it would scuff the eye when spamming clicks.
- Qbus Progress Bar checks for avoiding any exploits (You will need to make your own export in progress bar. isBusy(). Shoot a DM on my discord if you want one. xDope#2788)
- /fixeye command to fix any glitches related to eye.
-- This example is taken from Qbus Stores.
for shop, _ in pairs(Config.Locations) do
local position = Config.Locations[shop]["coords"] -- Main table for coords
for _, loc in pairs(position) do
exports["bt-target"]:AddBoxZone("Shops"..shop, vector3(loc["x"], loc["y"], loc["z"]), 4.0, 4.0, { --Box zone because we are lazy
name="Shops"..shop, -- Random name for each unique shop
heading = 340.2,
debugPoly= false, -- Make this true if you want to see all zones
minZ = loc["z"] - 1.5 ,
maxZ = loc["z"] + 1.5
}, {
options = {
event = "xd_shops:client:UpdateShopX", -- The event that needs to be triggered
argument = shop, --This will add argument for the event. In this example it will "TriggerEvent("xd_shops:client:UpdateShopX", shop)". I am passing shop arg to identify the shop name in my event.
icon = "fas fa-shopping-cart",
label = "Shop",
job = {"all"},
distance = 2.0
Dependencies: https://github.com/mkafrin/PolyZone Original : https://github.com/brentN5/bt-target Extra Functions taken from : https://github.com/OfficialNoms/bt-target