UPlace is an iOS application that connects people in space-defined communities.
- It is still under development
- Screenshots below shows you what have been implemented
- Feel free to contribute to it :)
UPlace uses BaaS FatFractal for backend services
UPlace uses Google Places API to retrieve place/location information
UPlace uses a number of open source projects:
- SVProgressHUD - A clean and lightweight progress HUD for iOS app
- DZNSegmentedControl - A drop-in replacement for UISegmentedControl used on user profile view
- RESideMenu - iOS 7/8 style side menu with parallax effect
- FTGooglePlacesAPI - iOS library for querying Google Places API using simple block-based interface
- XHImageViewer - A simple image viewer
- AFNetworking - A delightful iOS and OS X networking framework
- GOPlacesAutocomplete - Lightweight Objective-C wrappers around Google Places Autocomplete and Details APIs
Clone the project.
Create A New API for your backend and define a baseurl in AppDelegate.m:
#define FatFractalBaseURL @"http://<YOUR APP DOMAIN>.fatfractal.com/<YOUR APP NAME>"
Obtain a Google Places API key and define in AppDelegate.m:
#define GoogleAPIKey @"YOUR_GOOGLE_API_KEY"
That's it!
- Visualize a location with a map
- Recommendations for nearby places
- Add pull-to-refresh
- Image picker that lets users pick images from album
- Notification view
- Post detail/comment view
- User registration
- Users should be able to upload profile pictures and cover photos
- Push notification
- Thumbnail images (should load thumbnails first instead of original images)
- Comment model
- Like model
- etc.
Maintainer: Wes Zheng
Feel free to contact me if needed!
UPlace is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.