Course material and schedules for ECON407 in 2020 fall
Check Syllabus for more details.
Final Project. Due date: December 22nd, the last day of exams.
You can either use UBC Syzygy Jupyter Hub or Google Colab for a free Jupyter hub.
September 8th: Imagine Day at UBC. Class cancelled.
September 10th: Logistics, Syllabus, Math Review
September 15th:
- Finish Math Review: Leftover proof; Example of constrained optimization; Probability part
- Introduction to Python
- Setting up Environment: Local installation, or UBC Jupyter Hub
- Jupyter Notebook Basics: Code block / Markdown block, running codes, function help, etc
- Try running codes as in An Introductory Example. Make yourself familiar with Jupyter notebook
- Python Basics
- In addition, go over Writing Good Code by yourselves
September 17th:
- Collections and Numpy vector/matrix operations
- Please go over Numpy by yourselves
- Control Flow, Functions
- For those who don't have programming experience before, please go over Python Essentials for reference and details.
- Collections and Numpy vector/matrix operations
September 22nd:
- Briefly cover Numpy vector/matrix
- Please go over the Jupyter notebook carefully. We won't go over all of them in detail.
- Finite Markov Chains. Some Python code examples here
- Briefly cover Numpy vector/matrix
September 24th:
- Finish Finite Markov Chains: properties of Markov chain, distribution simulation, etc.
- Python code examples here
- Finish Finite Markov Chains: properties of Markov chain, distribution simulation, etc.
September 29th:
- Introduction to Dynamic Programming:
- The definitions of value function and policy functions
- Handle questions and discussions for Problem Set 1
October 1st:
- Dynamic Programming continued: Shortest Paths on a directed acyclic graph
- An example in Economics: McCall Model
October 6th:
- Problem Set 1 Review
- Lab session for Basic Python coding for the rest of the class
- Check Programming Examples for details
October 8th:
- More formal introduction to Discrete Dynamic Programming
- McCall Model continued
October 13th:
- Code to solve Discrete Dynamic Programming problems with McCall Model
- Code example used in class is here
- Note: We will differ a bit from the QuantEcon lectures, therefore going through the webpages might not be sufficient.
- Practice formulating Bellman equations and coding to solve them
- An example similar to An Extension of McCall Model
- Code to solve Discrete Dynamic Programming problems with McCall Model
October 15th:
- Two more examples for variations of McCall Model
- Formulate the Bellman equations
- Code to solve the model
- If you are interested, you can check the following lectures here (you don't have to)
- Two more examples for variations of McCall Model
October 20th:
- Problem Set 2 Review
- Stochastic Growth / Real Business Cycle Models
- Motivation
- Check RBC Notes
October 22nd:
- RBC model continued
October 27th:
- Problem Set 3 Review
- Solve the model
- The simplest General Equilibrium: adding labor into RBC
- Motivation
- Check RBC Notes
October 29th:
- Risk Aversion
- We will further talk about it when covering simple asset pricing applications
- Policy function analysis
- Check the updates of Solve the model
- Shortcomings of RBC
- Check a comment from Larry Summers
- Parameters? Shocks? Market Clear? Monetary Policy?
- Risk Aversion
November 3rd:
- Discretize an AR(1) process
- Lucas Asset Pricing Model
- Check this lecture for further reading
November 5th:
- Lucas Asset Pricing Model continued
- Asset Pricing in Finite State Space
November 10th:
- Example of CCAPM asset pricing
- Incomplete Markets on the household side: Income fluctuation and Aiyagari model
November 12th:
- Problem Set 4 Review
- Incomplete Markets on the household side: Income fluctuation and Aiyagari model, continued
November 17th:
- Natural borrowing limit
- Solving the Income fluctuation Problem
- Comparative statics and further discussions
- Inequality and redistribution implications
November 19th:
- Incomplete Markets on the firm side: The firm investment problem
- Tobin's q, and the value of the firm
November 24th
- Average Q vs Marginal Q
- Hayashi (1982), convex adjustment cost
- The value premium
- check updated Notes
November 26th
- Entry, Exit, and Firm Dynamics
- Model with Entry and Exit
- Empirical motivations
- Entry, Exit, and Firm Dynamics
December 1st
- Modeling COVID in macroeconomics
- Check this paper and their slides
- Modeling COVID in macroeconomics
December 3rd
- Optimal government policy: Ramsey problem
- Problem Set 1 due on September 30th
- Problem Set 2 due on October 14th
- Problem Set 3 due on October 25th
- Problem Set 4 due on November 9th
- Problem Set 5 due on December 6th