There is a docker container that is fully setup here:
To see this in action, simply run: docker run -it -v $(pwd):/source hjr3/rust-php-ext php -d extension=/source/php-ext/modules/ -r "var_dump(score('vim', 'vi'));"
To build the Rust library:
$ cd rust
$ cargo build
To build the PHP extension:
$ cd php-ext
$ phpize
$ ./configure --with-score=../rust/target/debug
$ make
You can optionally make install
if you want to install the PHP extension shared object.
There are other ways to configure the PHP extension. My blog post has more details.
Once the Rust library is built and the PHP extension is compiled, you can see it in action using:
$ php -d extension=php-ext/modules/ -r "var_dump(score('vim', 'vi'));"
The -d
option tells PHP that we are passing an ini option to look for the
shared object at the specified path. The -r
option tells PHP to run the code within quotes.