WRF Version v4.4.2 (Bug-fix Release)
The WRF model has been updated to Version 4.4.2 on December 19, 2022.
Acknowledgements: We would like to thank Cenlin He (NCAR/RAL), Florian Sammüller (Universität Bayreuth), Adam Dury(WeatherQuest)) and Zhang Zhixiao (University of Oxford and University of Utah) for their contributions to this release.
This is a bug fix release. Following are fixes associated with this release.
- Fix a bug for mixing ratio calculation in Jarvis stomatal conductance scheme in Noah-MP. This fix affects NoahMP option OPT_CRS=2. Details
- Update urban local climate zone (LCZ) numbers in parameter tables to avoid overlap with existing NLCD land types. This update affects VEGPARM.TBL, LANDUSE.TBL, and MPTABLE.TBL. The LCZ numbers in WRF-urban are changed from 31-41 to 51-61. Details
- Fix the units and unit conversions of several variables in subroutines CARBON and CARBON_CROP (NoahMP scheme); update urban pixel identification by including LCZ urban types in module_sf_noahmpdrv.F for surface variable initialization. Details
- Refine CAPE and CIN calculations to be consistent with AMS definitions; improve LFC identification for adapting to multi-inversion layers profiles. Details
- Change the declaration of several variables in subroutine TWOSTREAM from OUT to INOUT, change the soil ice treatment in subroutine COMBINE, correct the units of three accumulated flux variables in Registry, removed the hard-coded 4 soil layers and replace it by the parameter "NSOIL". These changes only affect NoahMP land surface scheme. Details
- Change the declaration of QSFC from OUT to INOUT in sfclay and sfclayrev modules. This is because QSFC is calculated conditionally and at some grid points, it takes the input value. Details
- Update the VAR namelist readme to include change of use_clddet option since V4.2. Details
- Update bufrseviri.inc so that if seviri is turned on in WRFDA after Feb 2018, many error messages in the log file will be suppressed and meteosat 11 data is ingested into WRFDA to be used by the CRTM; correct the CRTM sensor information, add the HIRS4 information file to recognize NOAA 19 and not just NOAA 18 in HIRS4 and AMSUS files; update VARBC.in to include templates of NOAA 15-17 HIRS3 and NOAA 18-19 HIRS4. Details
- Fix undefined behavior in RSL_LITE.Detail
- Add check to prevent CLM land surface scheme from being used with any urban scheme. Details