The talk starts with live demos that show how OpenTofu works in action and how to use Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) to manage your NCloud (demos: 1 and 2). Next, we review ten recommendations for your IaC projects with OpenTofu and Terraform. Following the recommendations will help you to level up the IaC in your organization.
In the last demo — NCloud & TACOS — we show the benefits of running your OpenTofu and Terraform with an infrastructure orchestrator/T(O)ACOS — Spacelift.
The talk aims to provide practical hints to help you start well, scale your IaC project later, and run alongside your Kubernetes environment.
In the repository, you will find:
- slides (html);
- demos: the first steps and OpenTofu test, create a VM on NCloud and shift-left with conftest, project structure, and NCloud & Spacelift.
🙇 Thank you for the opportunity to speak at the NCUC 제 5회 Online MeetUp and the NCloud User Community for the warm welcome.
Questions? Feedback? Let me know - wojciechb at, I am also on the Gophers, CloudNative, and Kubernetes slacks (Wojciech B). Helpful? Like the LinkedIn post or ⭐ to this github repo.