Crynn is an open source game engine created with C++20 and OpenGL. Crynn is not a beginner engine. Knowledge of matrix math, OpenGL, C++ and Visual Studio is required. Currently only supports building to Windows.
- Easy Setup
- Transformation hierarchy (parent child relationships)
- Quaternion rotations.
- 3D Model loading with assimp
- Rigidbody dynamics with qu3e
- Built in Blinn Phong lighting/shading with easily extendable shading options
- Light Casters (Point and Directional)
- Skybox/Cubemapping
- Audio with SFML
- Simple IMGUI integration
- A robust and varied utility library
- Made with C++20
- Fast rendering with OpenGL
- Robust Event and Input System
Crynn relies on a multitude of dependencies. They are listed here:
- GLFW for windowing, and input.
- GLAD for loading OpenGL functions.
- Dear IMGUI for GUI.
- GLM for matrix and other graphics related mathematics.
- STB_IMAGE for image loading.
- SFML for audio.
- qu3e for rigidbody dynamics.
- ASSIMP for 3D model file loading.
To get started, you will need a copy of the Crynn source. If you have Git installed, you can download Crynn by running this command in the console:
git clone --recursive
The dependencies for Crynn are in the lib folder. Make sure you do a recursive clone to fetch submodules.
Crynn previously supported Premake for building the engine, but now only supports building for Visual Studio.
You can download Visual Studio here. Visual Studio 2019 is officially recommended.
Once everything is installed, you can follow these steps to build Crynn.
Navigate to the Github Wiki Page. It will bring you to the introduction page, explaining how to use Crynn.
This engine is mostly intended as a personal project to learn more about computer graphics, and create personal games. As such I will not make any guarantees about master branch stability. I'm not always consistent with my styling, and there are some unfinished parts of the engine.