A chatbot for the wolvesatmydoor Twitch.tv channel.
These instructions will get a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
node.js (https://nodejs.org)
The following steps describe how to run the project
Clone repository
$ git clone https://github.com/wlvstv/wopo.git
Navigate to project folder and install packages
<C:\...\wopo> npm install
open lib\devConfig.js and insert test credentials
const un = ''; // Your twitch username
const pw = ''; // Your oAuth Token
start the application
<C:\...\wopo> npm start
Note, a succesful connection will log the address and port of the connection in the console. Navigate to the testing channel and test away! Make GLaDOS proud!
(someone who knows about testing will fill this in soon...)
- node.js - Asynchronous Javascript Runtime
- tmi.js - Twitch Messaging Interface package for node.js
- pg-promise - Used to generate database helper methods