This Docker container implements a DPRIVE RFC 7858 server by running NGINX as a TLS proxy in front of ISC BIND.
It listens on both the official DPRIVE port (853), and also on port 443 (as a test / proof-of-concept).
The container builds on both Ubuntu 16.04 and OS X Sierra, and have been tested deployed on Ubuntu, Amazon AWS EC2 Container Service and Google Container Engine (GKE). The gke
direcotry contains the YAML files I use to start this on GKE.
The stubby_configs
directory contains configurations for using this with getdns Stubby.
This Dockerfile is based on Ubuntu and uses the Ubuntu BIND and NGINX packages. When I have more time, I'm planning on making new images which builds BIND and NGINX instead of using the packages.
- Install Docker.
- Run
- Edit
and update to your IP addresses - Start container:
docker-compose up dprive-nginx-bind -d
- The
copies the contents of./files/config/
(/tank/data/docker on my machines). I have removed
files from the repo. - Replace the IP address in
with your IP (or remove the IP if you don't bind to a specific IP), update the/tank/data/docker/dprive-nginx-bind
directory to wherever you mount Docker volumes.
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose kill
Attach to container:
docker exec -it compose_dprive-nginx-bind_1 bash
Starting deploymment and service:
$ kubectl create -f dprive-nginx-bind-deployment.yaml
$ kubectl create -f dprive-nginx-bind-service.yaml
$ kubectl get deployment dprive-nginx-bind
dprive-nginx-bind 1 1 1 1 3d
$ kubectl get service dprive-nginx-bind
dprive-nginx-bind 853/TCP,443/TCP 8m
$ kubectl delete service dprive-nginx-bind-service
$ kubectl delete deployment dprive-nginx-bind-deployment
Included in stubby-snozzages.conf
is a [Stubby] ( config file to talk to a test container which I'm running. Generating the tls_pubkey_pinset
is a little tricky. Here is the cheat:
openssl x509 -noout -in -pubkey | openssl asn1parse -noout -inform pem -out public.key
openssl dgst -sha256 -hex public.key | awk -F '= ' '{print "0x"$2}'
Client (I add nameserver
to /etc/resolv.conf
$ sudo ./bin/stubby -C ./etc/stubby-gce.conf
[02:58:20.629838] => ENTRY: _getdns_submit_stub_request : MSG: 0x7fd32e802008 TYPE: 1
[02:58:20.631413] --- SETUP: upstream_select_stateful : Testing upstreams 0 0
[02:58:20.631421] --- SETUP: upstream_select_stateful : Testing upstreams 1 0
[02:58:20.631434] --- SETUP: upstream_connect : Getting upstream connection: 0x7fd32d0119c8
[02:58:20.631439] --- SETUP: tcp_connect : Creating TCP connection: 0x7fd32d0119c8
[02:58:20.631753] --- SETUP(TLS): tls_create_object : Hostname verification requested for: *
[02:58:20.631793] --- SETUP(TLS): tls_create_object : Using Strict TLS
[02:58:20.631803] GETDNS_DAEMON: : Conn init : Transport=TLS - Profile=Strict
[02:58:20.631808] --- SETUP: upstream_find_for_transport : FD: 8 Connecting to upstream: 0x7fd32d0119c8 No: 1
[02:58:20.631817] ----- SCHEDULE: upstream_schedule_netreq : MSG: 0x7fd32e802008 (schedule event)
[02:58:20.631920] => ENTRY: _getdns_submit_stub_request : MSG: 0x7fd32d802808 TYPE: 28
[02:58:20.631932] --- SETUP: upstream_connect : Getting upstream connection: 0x7fd32d0119c8
[02:58:20.631938] --- SETUP: upstream_find_for_transport : FD: 8 Connecting to upstream: 0x7fd32d0119c8 No: 1
[02:58:20.631943] ----- SCHEDULE: upstream_schedule_netreq : MSG: 0x7fd32d802808 (schedule event)
[02:58:20.631950] ------- WRITE: upstream_write_cb : MSG: 0x7fd32e802008 (writing)
[02:58:20.631973] --- SETUP(TLS): tls_do_handshake : FD: 8
[02:58:20.696750] ------- READ: upstream_read_cb : FD: 8
[02:58:20.696801] --- SETUP(TLS): tls_do_handshake : FD: 8
[02:58:20.697742] --- SETUP(TLS): tls_verify_callback : FD: 8 Verify result: (0) "ok"
[02:58:20.697785] --- SETUP(TLS): _getdns_verify_pinset_match : Name of cert: 0 CN = *
[02:58:20.697892] --- SETUP(TLS): _getdns_verify_pinset_match : Pubkey 0 matched pin 0x7fd32cc01780 (32)
[02:58:20.698246] --- SETUP(TLS): tls_verify_callback : FD: 8 Verify result: (0) "ok"
[02:58:20.698267] --- SETUP(TLS): _getdns_verify_pinset_match : Name of cert: 0 CN = *
[02:58:20.698355] --- SETUP(TLS): _getdns_verify_pinset_match : Pubkey 0 matched pin 0x7fd32cc01780 (32)
[02:58:20.698846] --- SETUP(TLS): tls_verify_callback : FD: 8 Verify result: (0) "ok"
[02:58:20.698868] --- SETUP(TLS): _getdns_verify_pinset_match : Name of cert: 0 CN = *
[02:58:20.698934] --- SETUP(TLS): _getdns_verify_pinset_match : Pubkey 0 matched pin 0x7fd32cc01780 (32)
[02:58:20.732940] ------- READ: upstream_read_cb : FD: 8
[02:58:20.732994] --- SETUP(TLS): tls_do_handshake : FD: 8
[02:58:20.733630] --- SETUP(TLS): tls_do_handshake : FD: 8 Handshake succeeded with auth state 2. Session is new.
[02:58:20.733694] ------- WRITE: upstream_write_cb : MSG: 0x7fd32e802008 (writing)
[02:58:20.733711] --- SETUP: stub_tls_write : FD: 8 Requesting keepalive
[02:58:20.734099] ------- WRITE: upstream_write_cb : MSG: 0x7fd32d802808 (writing)
[02:58:20.774853] ------- READ: upstream_read_cb : FD: 8
[02:58:20.774915] ------- READ: upstream_read_cb : MSG: 0x7fd32e802008 (read)
[02:58:20.774940] ------- READ: match_edns_opt_rr : OPT RR: ; EDNS: version: 0; flags: ; udp: 4096
[02:58:20.774948] --- CLEANUP: stub_cleanup : MSG: 0x7fd32e802008
[02:58:20.774956] ----- SCHEDULE: upstream_reschedule_events : FD: 8
[02:58:20.832630] ------- READ: upstream_read_cb : FD: 8
[02:58:20.832757] ------- READ: upstream_read_cb : MSG: 0x7fd32d802808 (read)
[02:58:20.832782] ------- READ: match_edns_opt_rr : OPT RR: ; EDNS: version: 0; flags: ; udp: 4096
[02:58:20.832793] --- CLEANUP: stub_cleanup : MSG: 0x7fd32d802808
[02:58:20.832804] ----- SCHEDULE: upstream_reschedule_events : FD: 8
[02:58:20.832836] ----- SCHEDULE: upstream_reschedule_events : FD: 8 Connection idle - timeout is 10000
[02:58:24.751765] => ENTRY: _getdns_submit_stub_request : MSG: 0x7fd32e008e08 TYPE: 1
[02:58:24.751795] --- SETUP: upstream_connect : Getting upstream connection: 0x7fd32d0119c8
[02:58:24.751802] --- SETUP: upstream_find_for_transport : FD: 8 Connecting to upstream: 0x7fd32d0119c8 No: 1
[02:58:24.751808] ----- SCHEDULE: upstream_schedule_netreq : MSG: 0x7fd32e008e08 (schedule event)
[02:58:24.751829] ------- WRITE: upstream_write_cb : MSG: 0x7fd32e008e08 (writing)
[02:58:24.797597] ------- READ: upstream_read_cb : FD: 8
[02:58:24.797682] ------- READ: upstream_read_cb : MSG: 0x7fd32e008e08 (read)
[02:58:24.797696] ------- READ: match_edns_opt_rr : OPT RR: ; EDNS: version: 0; flags: ; udp: 4096
[02:58:24.797703] --- CLEANUP: stub_cleanup : MSG: 0x7fd32e008e08
[02:58:24.797709] ----- SCHEDULE: upstream_reschedule_events : FD: 8
[02:58:24.797715] ----- SCHEDULE: upstream_reschedule_events : FD: 8 Connection idle - timeout is 10000
[02:58:34.798471] --- CLEANUP: upstream_idle_timeout_cb : FD: 8 Closing connection
[02:58:34.798524] GETDNS_DAEMON: : Conn closed : Transport=TLS - Resp=3,Timeouts=0,Auth=Success,Keepalive(ms)=10000
[02:58:34.798539] GETDNS_DAEMON: : Upstream stats: Transport=TLS - Resp=3,Timeouts=0,Best_auth=Success
[02:58:34.798552] GETDNS_DAEMON: : Upstream stats: Transport=TLS - Conns=1,Conn_fails=0,Conn_shutdowns=0,Backoffs=0
- Moar containerized
- Self-contained for Google Container Engine / Amazon ECS
- No longer exposes volumes, makefile much simpler
V0.1.0: Initial Release
- Docker container which puts NGINX (as a TLS Proxy) in front of BIND
- Uses NGINX and ISC BIND packages
- Listens on both TCP 853 (domain-s) and 433 (https)
- Exports statistics and similar to volumes
This is largely based on the Sinodun [Using a TLS proxy] ( config, converted to be a container.