- David Keiser-Clark ([email protected]), Office for Information Technology, Williams College
- People: Add Face Book and Learning Mode (screenshot)
- Add Presenter View (screenshot)
Custom modifications for our Instructure Canvas learning management system (LMS). These files reflect the current Canvas UI.
- Add Button: Automatically insert a "Face Book" button on Canvas' "People" page
- Larger Images: Creates a grid of larger images for viewing course participants
- Learning Mode: Optionally show/hide all participant names (useful for memorizing names)
- Shuffle: Rearranges the display order of the visible participants (to shuffle the full roster, be sure to load all participants before selecting shuffle)
- Printer: Enabled photos to display in print mode (works for Chrome and Safari, while FF and IE require manual clientside browser selection to "Print background images")
- Printer: Removed hyperlink urls from displaying in print mode (All browsers)
- Requires: Only these two JS/CSS global override files (wmsCanvasGlobal.css, wmsCanvasGlobal.js)
- Future plans: I plan to add an LTI to inject the class year into each student's info box
- Add Link: Automatically insert a "Presenter View" hyperlink on the right-side of the "breadcrumbs" navigation
- Zoom: Increase scale of main (center) region to fill browser, wrapping text as needed
- Rescale: Resize browser to dynamically increase/decrease visible aspect (zoom) ratio of text and images
- Hide: Display only main (center) div (hide: top, left, right)
- Display All: Increase height dynamically to prevent zoomed page from being inappropriately cut off
- Resolution: Set width to 900px to ensure magnification occurs in our wired classrooms
- Exit: Easily return to "normal mode" via "exit" button on left side of screen
- Zoom main div; hide all other columns
- Note: Hidden content remains in the document object model, but is hidden via CSS. This means the page still functions correctly
- Note: The "Presenter View" hyperlink will appear on the right-side of all pages that contain the breadcrumbs navigation item
- Works with: All browsers, including mobile browsers (held in horizontal mode)
- Intended Usage: classroom projector
- Mobile: Completely overhauled the default mobile login page
- Browser: Completely overhauled the default browser login page
- Please refrain from reusing our design; you may use the code to create your own distinct override
- Browser: Completely overhauled the default top navigation design of internal pages
- Please refrain from reusing our design; you may use the code to create your own distinct override
- Created overrides to point Help and Terms footer links to our own pages, and hide Canvas Twitter/FaceBook links
- Added code to enable our Google Analytics to track Canvas pages
- Simply swap in your own Google Analytics "setAccount" name
- Canvas Live Server requires: wmsCanvasGlobal.css, wmsCanvasGlobal.js, /images
- Canvas Test Server requires: wmsTESTCanvasGlobal.css, wmsTESTCanvasGlobal.js, /images
- Canvas already provides jQuery
- Copyright (c) 2014 David Keiser-Clark
- Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
- Free as in Bacon.