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Homologizer: phasing gene copies into polyploid subgenomes

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Phasing gene copies into polyploid subgenomes using homologizer


Will Freyman ([email protected])
Carl Rothfels ([email protected])

This tutorial describes the usage of homologizer to phase gene copies into polyploid subgenomes. The tutorial is an abbreviated version of a soon-to-be published paper in Methods in Molecular Biology. Please see that paper for many more details and practical considerations for running homologizer analyses. If you use homologizer, please cite the paper in which we first describe the method:

  • Freyman, W.A., Johnson, M.G., and C.J. Rothfels. 2022. Homologizer: phylogenetic phasing of gene copies into polyploid subgenomes. bioRxiv 2020.10.22.351486v4

homologizer is implemented in RevBayes. Please see to download and install RevBayes. For users without previous RevBayes experience, we recommend the tutorials at


The first analysis described below uses homologizer to phase gene copies into the subgenomes of a set of allopolyploids. The second example analysis uses homologizer to test whether the observed gene copies of one of the allopolyploids are homeologs from distinct subgenomes or allelic variants arising from the same subgenome. We provide the data and the full scripts required to run these examples in the repo at

The homologizer model

The homologizer model phases gene copies into polyploid subgenomes over a mul-tree, as illustrated in the image above. Panel A: A phylogenetic network with a single a single hybridization (reticulation) giving rise to an allopolyploid. Panel B: The mul-tree representation of the phylogenetic network has two tips (red and orange) representing the two subgenomes of the allopolyploid. Panel C: Six loci were sequenced from the allopolyploid (red and orange squares). Two copies (red and orange) of each locus were recovered. Loci 2, 3, and 5 are incorrectly phased; that is they are incorrectly assigned to the wrong subgenome. Panel D: After phasing, the gene copies of each locus are now assigned to the correct subgenome. Panel E: An alternative phasing model allows for the two gene copies to be allelic variants from the same subgenome. In this example, both copies of locus 2 and 3 are allelic variants from the orange subgenome and no copies of these loci were recovered from the red subgenome.

Tutorial: phasing gene copies

Our first example analysis uses homologizer to phase gene copies into the subgenomes of a set of allopolyploids. The output of the analysis is the posterior distribution of phased homeologs, i.e., the posterior distribution of the assignments of each gene copy, for each locus, into each of the subgenomes of the polyploids. Since we perform joint inference of the phasing and phylogeny, the posterior distribution of the multi-locus phylogeny is also inferred, along with all other parameters of the model.

In this example analysis we use a reduced version of the dataset from the fern family Cystopteridaceae previously analyzed in Rothfels et. al (2017) and Freyman et. al (2020) (reduced to increase the speed of the analyses). The data consist of four single-copy nuclear loci (ApPEFP_C, gapCpSh, IBR3, and pgiC) for a sample of 11 diploids and two tetraploids.

Here we gloss over many of the details in the phylogenetic model (e.g., substitution models) so that we can focus on the phasing aspect of the analysis. Detailed tutorials on these other aspects of RevBayes can be found at

Setting up the analysis

Below we'll step through the code for this analysis line by line. However, if you have downloaded the data and script from the git repo you can run the full analysis by typing rb src/cystopteridaceae.Rev in your terminal window from the homologizer directory.

Our first step is to define a vector that holds the input sequence alignment files, one for each locus.

alignments = ["data/APP.nex",

We'll now loop through and read in each alignment, saving them to the vector data.

num_loci = alignments.size()
for (i in 1:num_loci) {
    data[i] = readDiscreteCharacterData(alignments[i])

Next we set the initial phase assignments for the polyploid accession xCystocarpium_7974. We need to set the phase assignment here to enable the MCMC to initialize. We can randomly assign gene copies to subgenomes; the assignment should not affect the final outcome of the analysis assuming the MCMC is allowed to converge.

We do this by calling the function setHomeologPhase on each of the alignments. In the alignments the sequences for this accession are named 7974_copy1 through 7974_copy4. We wish to phase those copies among four mul-tree tips, xCystocarpium_7974_A through xCystocarpium_7974_D.

for (i in 1:num_loci) {
    data[i].setHomeologPhase("7974_copy1", "xCystocarpium_7974_A")
    data[i].setHomeologPhase("7974_copy2", "xCystocarpium_7974_B")
    data[i].setHomeologPhase("7974_copy3", "xCystocarpium_7974_C")
    data[i].setHomeologPhase("7974_copy4", "xCystocarpium_7974_D")

This data set contains a second polyploid C_tasmanica_6379. This accession, though, only has two subgenomes and two gene copies of each locus. However, it is missing a sequence for the gene IBR; for IBR there is only a single copy: 6379_copy1. Recalling that IBR is the third sequence alignment we read in, we can add a blank second IBR gene copy for C_tasmanica_6379:


Now we again loop through the alignments, this time setting the initial phase for C_tasmanica_6379.

for (i in 1:num_loci) {
    data[i].setHomeologPhase("6379_copy1", "C_tasmanica_6379_A")
    data[i].setHomeologPhase("6379_copy2", "C_tasmanica_6379_B")

The next few sections of code are fairly standard for Rev phylogenetic analyses, and not unique to a homologizer analysis. Since some of the diploid accessions are also missing sequences for some loci, we now add any blank sequences needed so all the alignments contain all the accessions:

for (i in 1:num_loci) {
    for (j in 1:num_loci) {

We'll need some useful information from the alignments:

num_tips = data[1].ntaxa()
n_branches = 2 * num_tips - 3

Now create a vector of branch lengths. We'll draw each branch length from an exponential distribution. We'll also add MCMC scaling moves for each branch length (which we'll store in the moves vector, indexed by the mvi counter).

mvi = 0
for (i in 1:n_branches) {
    branch_lengths[i] ~ dnExponential(10)
    moves[++mvi] = mvScale(branch_lengths[i], weight=1.0)

We'll use a uniform topology prior that puts equal probability on all unrooted, fully resolved topologies. Additionally, we'll add MCMC moves for the topology, the nearest-neighbor interchange (NNI) and subtree pruning and regrafting (SPR) tree arrangment moves.

topology ~ dnUniformTopology(data[1].taxa())
moves[++mvi] = mvNNI(topology, weight=40.0)
moves[++mvi] = mvSPR(topology, weight=40.0)

Finally, we combine the topology and the branch length vector into a deterministic node that represents our phylogeny:

tree := treeAssembly(topology, branch_lengths)

For the nucleotide substitution models we will specify a general time-reversible (GTR) model for each locus. We will use an uninformative Dirichlet distribution as prior on the stationary frequencies (pi), and for the six exchangeability rates er. To estimate pi and er we use the MCMC move mvSimplexElementScale, which randomly changes one element of the simplex and then rescales the other elements so that they sum to one again. For each locus we construct the GTR rate matrix Q using the function fnGTR which puts together pi and er.

for (i in 1:num_loci) {

    er_prior <- v(1,1,1,1,1,1)
    er[i] ~ dnDirichlet(er_prior)
    moves[++mvi] = mvSimplexElementScale(er[i], weight=5)

    pi_prior <- v(1,1,1,1)
    pi[i] ~ dnDirichlet(pi_prior)
    moves[++mvi] = mvSimplexElementScale(pi[i], weight=5)

    Q[i] := fnGTR(er[i], pi[i])

Additionally, we estimate a substitution rate multiplier for each of the alignments except the first one. We draw the rate multipliers from an exponential distribution:

for (i in 1:num_loci) {
    if (i == 1) {
        rate_multiplier[i] <- 1.0
    } else {
        rate_multiplier[i] ~ dnExponential(1)
        moves[++mvi] = mvScale(rate_multiplier[i], weight=5)

Our sequence evolution models are continuous-time Markov chains (CTMC) over the phylogeny. So we pass a GTR rate matrices Q, a rate_multiplier, and the tree into a phylogenetic CTMC distribution, one for each locus. We fix the value of the CTMC to our observed sequence data using the clamp function.

for (i in 1:num_loci) {
    ctmc[i] ~ dnPhyloCTMC(tree=tree, Q=Q[i], branchRates=rate_multiplier[i], type="DNA")

We now have fully defined our phylogenetic model, so we wrap it up and declare it complete:

mymodel = model(Q)

To infer the phasing, though, we wish to add MCMC phasing proposals. We use the function mvHomeologPhase to define a phasing proposal that swaps the sequences between any two mul-tree tips for a given locus. Since our polyploid accession C_tasmanica_6379 has only two subgenomes A and B, we need one mvHomeologPhase per locus:

for (i in 1:num_loci) {
    moves[++mvi] = mvHomeologPhase(ctmc[i], "C_tasmanica_6379_A", "C_tasmanica_6379_B", weight=2)

Note that the weight of the move is set to 2. The weight specifies how often this particular MCMC move will be proposed relative to all other moves in our MCMC. If the phasing analysis is not converging, one can try increasing the weight of these moves.

The other polyploid accession xCystocarpium_7974 has four subgenomes. To enable gene copies to swap among all four subgenomes we need (4 choose 2) = 6 moves for each locus:

for (i in 1:num_loci) {
    moves[++mvi] = mvHomeologPhase(ctmc[i], "xCystocarpium_7974_A", "xCystocarpium_7974_B", weight=2)
    moves[++mvi] = mvHomeologPhase(ctmc[i], "xCystocarpium_7974_A", "xCystocarpium_7974_C", weight=2)
    moves[++mvi] = mvHomeologPhase(ctmc[i], "xCystocarpium_7974_A", "xCystocarpium_7974_D", weight=2)
    moves[++mvi] = mvHomeologPhase(ctmc[i], "xCystocarpium_7974_B", "xCystocarpium_7974_C", weight=2)
    moves[++mvi] = mvHomeologPhase(ctmc[i], "xCystocarpium_7974_B", "xCystocarpium_7974_D", weight=2)
    moves[++mvi] = mvHomeologPhase(ctmc[i], "xCystocarpium_7974_C", "xCystocarpium_7974_D", weight=2)

Finally, we need to set up some monitors to draw samples from the chain. We'll set up three monitors used in standard phylogenetic analyses: one that writes a log file for most of the model parameters, another that writes the sampled trees to file, and also a screen monitor so we can view progress on our screen:

mni = 0
output_file = "output/homologizer"
monitors[++mni] = mnModel(filename=output_file + ".log", printgen=1)
monitors[++mni] = mnFile(filename=output_file + ".trees", printgen=1, tree)
monitors[++mni] = mnScreen(printgen=1)

Additionally we need to define special monitors for logging samples of the phase of each locus. These are defined using mnHomeologPhase. We must specify one of these for each of the loci being phased.

for (i in 1:num_loci){
    log_file = output_file + "_locus_" + i + "_phase.log"
    monitors[++mni] = mnHomeologPhase(filename=log_file, printgen=1, ctmc[i])

Running the MCMC

Finally, let's set up our MCMC object and run it. To do this, we pass our model object mymodel, the vector of monitors, and the vector of MCMC moves into the mcmc function. For this example exercise we'll run the analysis for 2000 iterations. For an actual analysis the MCMC should be run much longer.

mymcmc = mcmc(mymodel, monitors, moves)

This will execute the analysis and you should see output similar to this:

   Running MCMC simulation
   This simulation runs 1 independent replicate.
   The simulator uses 73 different moves in a random move schedule with 219.8 
   moves per iteration

Iter   |   Posterior   |  Likelihood   |     Prior   |    elapsed   |        ETA   |
0      |    -14739.8   |      -14848   |   108.217   |   00:00:00   |   --:--:--   |
1      |    -11255.8   |    -11363.8   |   107.962   |   00:00:01   |   --:--:--   |
2      |    -10664.5   |    -10773.7   |   109.236   |   00:00:01   |   00:16:39   |
3      |    -10440.4   |    -10550.9   |   110.498   |   00:00:01   |   00:11:05   |
4      |    -10405.3   |    -10515.3   |   110.053   |   00:00:02   |   00:08:38   |

When the analysis is complete, you will have a new directory called output that will contain all of the files you specified with the monitors. To check whether the MCMC has converged we can plot the trace of the model parameters found in output/homologizer.log. To further assess convergence, this file can be opened in Tracer or analyzed using the R package CODA.

In the trace shown above, the MCMC appears to converge after approximately 100 iterations. For an actual analysis the MCMC should be run much longer.

Summarizing the posterior distribution

The inferred phasing of gene copies into subgenomes is best summarized in the context of the phylogeny (see figure below). So our first step is to summarize the trees sampled by the MCMC. We read in the tree samples:

treetrace = readTreeTrace(output_file + ".trees", treetype="non-clock", burnin=0.25) 

and summarize the trees into a single maximum a posteriori (MAP) tree:

map_tree = mapTree(treetrace, output_file + "_map.tree")

This command creates the tree file output/homologizer_map.tree that you can plot in APE or FigTree. Since we estimated an unrooted tree, you should use one of these tools to root the tree correctly and save a copy of the rooted tree that we can use to visualize the inferred phasing.

Once we have the rooted MAP tree, the phasing estimates can be summarized and plotted using R. For this tutorial we provide a script src/plot_phase.R to generate the figure below. After running the MCMC, if you have downloaded the data and scripts from the git repo you can run the plotting script by typing Rscript src/plot_phase.R in your terminal window from the homologizer directory. This script can be easily adapted to work for other datasets; see the comments within the script. This plotting functionality will soon be more widely available as part of the RevGadgets package (Tribble et al. 2021).

Shown above is the inferred phasing of gene copies into subgenomes summarized on the MAP phylogeny for the Cystopteridaceae dataset. The phase is estimated for the two polyploid accessions xCystocarpium_7974 and C_tasmanica_6379. To the right of the tree, each column represents a locus, and the joint MAP phase assignment is shown as text within each box. Each box is colored by the marginal posterior probability of the phase assignment. These marginal posterior probabilities are useful to quantify the uncertainty within the joint MAP phasing assignment. For example, it may be that the joint MAP phase of a given polyploid has a low marginal posterior probability in some subgenomes but a high marginal posterior probability in other subgenomes. Adjacent to the heatmap is a column that shows the mean marginal probability across loci of the phasing assignment per tip, which summarizes the model's overall confidence in the phasing of that tip.

Tutorial: Comparing phasing models to distinguish homeologs from allelic variation

To distinguish gene copies that evolved in separate polyploid subgenomes from those that arose from allelic variation within the same subgenome (or that are otherwise non-homeologous), one can set up a series of different homologizer model that differ in the number of mul-tree tips available to phase. The statistical fit of these models can then be compared using Bayes factors.

Consider the example from the figure in the introduction above. In panel D the allopolyploid has two subgenomes (red and orange). Two copies of six loci are correctly phased into the two subgenomes. However, in panel E, both copies of loci two and three are actually allelic variants from the orange subgenome, and no copies of these loci were recovered from the red subgenome. In real datasets it can be hard to distinguish between these two scenarios. With homologizer, however, the researcher can set up two models: one that allows phasing among two mul-tree tips for the allopolyploid, and another that allows phasing among three mul-tree tips. Bayes factors are then used to compare to two models and determine how many tips should be used.

For our second example analysis, we will return to the Cystopteridaceae dataset and test whether the polyploid accession C_tasmanica_6379 should be phased into two mul-tree tips (as done in tutorial 1 above) or whether allelic variation is present and three mul-tree tips are needed for phasing.

Computing marginal likelihoods

To compare the two mul-tree tip and three mul-tree tip homologizer phasing models using Bayes factors, we first need to ensure that the data used under both models are the same. For example, when adding a third tip for the polyploid accession C_tasmanica_6379, we'll add a new set of blank sequences to this tip, so this set of blank sequences needs to be added to both models (the two mul-tree tip and three mul-tree tip phasing models). However, only in the three-tip model will we allow gene copies to be phased into this third tip (in the two-tip model the third tip will exist, but will only be associated with blank sequences). The code from our first example above specifies the two-tip phasing model. To add the third blank tip, we need to modify the code where we set the initial phase of each gene copy to:

for (i in 1:num_loci) {
    data[i].setHomeologPhase("6379_copy1", "C_tasmanica_6379_A")
    data[i].setHomeologPhase("6379_copy2", "C_tasmanica_6379_B")
    data[i].setHomeologPhase("6379_BLANK", "C_tasmanica_6379_C")

This code adds a blank sequence (which we've labeled 6379_BLANK) to each locus, and associates those blank sequences with a mul-tree tip called C_tasmanica_6379_C. Since we have not created any moves associated with this third tip (there's no associated mvHomeologPhase command), no gene copies will be phased into it. To ease the interpretation of the results after phasing, we recommend that the names for blank sequences include "BLANK", e.g., 6379_BLANK or 6379_BLANK1 and 6379_BLANK2 if a locus is missing more than one sequence.

For the Bayes factors, we will compute the marginal likelihood of each model using a stepping-stone analysis. To do so for the two-tip phasing model that we now have in hand, we can simply swap out this section of code:

mymcmc = mcmc(mymodel, monitors, moves)

for this section of code:

pow_p = powerPosterior(mymodel, moves, monitors, output_file + ".out", 
                       cats=50, sampleFreq=1) 
pow_p.burnin(generations=200, tuningInterval=50)  
ss = steppingStoneSampler(file=output_file + ".out", 
                          powerColumnName="power", likelihoodColumnName="likelihood")

This code sets up the stepping-stone sampler that uses 50 stepping stones, sampling 1000 states from each step. Once it is complete, the code prints the marginal likelihood to the screen. When run, it looks like this:

Running burn-in phase of Power Posterior sampler for 200 iterations.
The simulator uses 72 different moves in a random move schedule with 222 moves per iteration


Running power posterior analysis ...
Step  1 / 51            ****************************************
Step  2 / 51            ****************************************
Step  3 / 51            ****************************************
Step 49 / 51            ****************************************
Step 50 / 51            ****************************************
Step 51 / 51            ****************************************

The final number (-10313.19) is the log marginal likelihood of the two-tip homologizer phasing model.

Setting up the alternative homologizer model

We can now modify the two-tip phasing model specified above so that it allows phasing among all three mul-tree tips. We will change the code where we define the MCMC proposals that allow different phasing assignments to be explored. Previously, since C_tasmanica_6379 only had two mul-tree tips to phase among, a single mvHomeologPhase per locus was sufficient:

for (i in 1:4) {
    moves[++mvi] = mvHomeologPhase(ctmc[i], "C_tasmanica_6379_A", "C_tasmanica_6379_B", weight=2)

Now the above code must be changed to:

for (i in 1:4) {
    moves[++mvi] = mvHomeologPhase(ctmc[i], "C_tasmanica_6379_A", "C_tasmanica_6379_B", weight=2)
    moves[++mvi] = mvHomeologPhase(ctmc[i], "C_tasmanica_6379_A", "C_tasmanica_6379_C", weight=2)
    moves[++mvi] = mvHomeologPhase(ctmc[i], "C_tasmanica_6379_B", "C_tasmanica_6379_C", weight=2)

Now we can compute the marginal likelihood of the three-tip model using a stepping-stone analysis just as we did for the two-tip model: this analysis results in a marginal likelihood calculation of -10244.20.

Comparing the two homologizer models

Bayes factors are the ratio of the marginal likelihoods of the two models being compared. In this case, we have computed -10244.2 for the three mul-tree tip phasing model and -10313.19 for the two mul-tree tip phasing model. Since these are log marginal likelihoods, we subtract them to compute the Bayes factor: -10244.2 - (-10313.19) = 68.99. Here, the Bayes factor of the three mul-tree tip model compared to the two mul-tree tip model is 68.99, which is strong support for the three-tip model (Kass and Raftery, 1995). Note that if you run this example your marginal likelihood estimates may differ slightly. The marginal likelihoods will converge more closely if we ran longer stepping-stone analyses, for example increasing the number of states sampled from each stone to 5000 rather than 1000.

This ability to use homologizer as a data-exploration and hypothesis testing tool may result in key insights about the polyploid accession that can significantly impact downstream interpretations. In this example, the three-tip model strongly out-performed the two-tip model for the polyploid C_tasmanica_6379. Indeed, in Freyman et al. (2020) we use homologizer to show that the two gapCpSh copies from this polyploid are allelic variants from the same subgenome (sister to one another in the phylogeny), with a blank copy phased with high posterior probability to the other subgenome. Recognizing these copies as alleles rather than homeologs resulted in significantly altered downstream inferences about the evolutionary history of this species, including very different inferences of its parentage.


  • Freyman, W. A., M. G. Johnson, and C. J. Rothfels. 2020. Homologizer: phylogenetic phasing of gene copies into polyploid subgenomes. bioRxiv
  • Kass, R. E. and A. E. Raftery. 1995. Bayes factors. Journal of the American Statistical Association 90:773–795
  • Rothfels, C. J., K. Pryer, and F.-W. Li. 2017. Next-generation polyploid phylogenetics: rapid resolution of hybrid polyploid complexes using PacBio single-molecule sequencing. New Phytologist 213.
  • Tribble, C.M., Freyman, W.A., Landis, M.J., Lim, J.Y., Barido-Sottani, J., Kopperud, B.T., Höhna, S., and M.R. May. 2021. RevGadgets: an R Package for visualizing Bayesian phylogenetic analyses from RevBayes. bioRxiv


Homologizer: phasing gene copies into polyploid subgenomes






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