With this extension you kan look up and validate Dutch addresses at checkout in you Magento 2 store.
Using this extension, you will have the following advantages
- Improve sale conversion
- Reduce address errors
- Reduce costs from undelivered mail and packages
- Offer extra service for your customers with easy address entry
To use this extension, you need an account with the Postcode.nl API. You can sign up for an account here.
The extension was created by Wezz e-Commerce B.V. for Postcode.nl B.V.
Looking for the Magento 1 Extension?
Check out the Magento 1 exsension here
If you have any questions, please check the FAQ on this page.
API Documentation
This extension uses the Postcode.nl API. Full documentation of the API can be found on the following URL https://api.postcode.nl/documentation/rest-json-endpoint](https://api.postcode.nl/documentation/rest-json-endpoint)
Soon this extension will be available on thye Magento Marketplace.
- On the command line, go to your Magento root folder.
- Run the following command to add the extension to your codebase:
composer require wezz/postcodem2
- Enable the extension in Magento using the following commands
php bin/magento module:enable Wezz_Postcode
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento cache:clean
And, when running production mode:
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Now, you can log in to the Magento backend and configure and enable the extension.
Navigate to the module configuration using the following path:
Stores -> Configuration -> Sales -> Postcode
Fill in the following fields to configure your Postcode.nl API Magento 2 module.
Field | Explanation |
Enabled | Option to enable/disable the module on your Magento store |
Application key | Please find your Application key in your Postcode.nl account |
Application secret | Please find your Application secret in your Postcode.nl account |
For Frequently Asked Questions please visit [https://www.wezz.co/extensions/postcode.nl-api-magento-extension] (The FAQ page).