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A2SV - Competitive Programming

A2SV competitive programming problems solutions

Time Spent includes time to read a problem, problem solving, coding and testing 😉.

Platform analytics

No. Name Easy Medium Hard Total
1. Codeforces 3 2 0 5
2. GeeksforGeeks 1 0 0 1
3. HackerRank 16 0 0 16
4. LeetCode 19 30 0 49

Problem Solved

No Problem Difficulty Tags Platform Tries Time Spent (Min) Programming Language
1. Fizz Buzz Easy Math String LeetCode #1 2 Python
2. Grading Students Easy Math Implementation HackerRank #1 6 Python
3. Domino piling Easy Math Codeforces #1 10 Python
4. Sorting: Bubble Sort Easy Sorting HackerRank #1 5 Python
5. Insertion Sort - Part 1 Easy Sorting HackerRank #1 11 Python
6. Counting Sort 1 Easy Sorting HackerRank #2 5 Python
7. Selection Sort Easy Sorting GeeksforGeeks #1 2 Python
8. Sorting the Sentence Easy Sorting LeetCode #1 3 Python
9. How Many Numbers Are Smaller Than the Current Number Easy Sorting LeetCode #1 2 Python
10. Find Target Indices After Sorting Array Easy Sorting LeetCode #1 2 Python
11. Sort Colors Medium Sorting LeetCode #1 5 Python
12. K Closest Points to Origin Medium Sorting LeetCode #1 2 Python
13. Merge Intervals Medium Sorting LeetCode #2 8 Python
14. Largest Number Medium Sorting LeetCode #4 57 Python
15. Array With Elements Not Equal to Average of Neighbors Medium Sorting LeetCode #2 22 Python
16. Find the Kth Largest Integer in the Array Medium Sorting LeetCode #1 2 Python
17. Find Original Array From Doubled Array Medium Sorting LeetCode #1 15 Python
18. Frequency of the Most Frequent Element Medium Sorting LeetCode #3 102 Python
19. Number of Good Pairs Easy Math Array LeetCode #1 1 Python
20. Counting Valleys Easy Implementation LeetCode #1 12 Python
21. Theatre square Easy Math CodeForces #1 2 Python
22. Max Number of K-Sum Pairs Medium Sorting LeetCode #3 42 Python
23. Arithmetic Subarrays Medium Sorting LeetCode #1 6 Python
24. Maximum Number of Coins You Can Get Medium Sorting LeetCode #1 9 Python
25. Minimize Maximum Pair Sum in Array Medium Sorting LeetCode #1 6 Python
26. Pancake Sorting Medium Sorting LeetCode #1 26 Python
27. Reduce Array Size to The Half Medium Sorting LeetCode #1 4 Python
28. Top K Frequent Elements Medium Sorting LeetCode #1 2 Python
29. Valid Parentheses Easy Stack LeetCode #1 2 Python
30. Implement Queue using Stacks Easy Stack LeetCode #1 2 Python
31. Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation Medium Stack LeetCode #1 5 Python
32. Min Stack Medium Stack LeetCode #3 20 Python
33. Reverse Substrings Between Each Pair of Parentheses Medium Stack LeetCode #1 5 Python
34. Design Circular Deque Medium Queue LeetCode #2 20 Python
35. Task Scheduler Medium Queue LeetCode #1 33 Python
36. Next Greater Element I Easy Monotonic Stack LeetCode #1 13 Python
37. Daily Temperatures Medium Monotonic Stack LeetCode #5 55 Python
38. Car Fleet Medium Monotonic Stack LeetCode #2 75 Python
39. Valid Palindrome Easy String LeetCode #1 2 Python
40. Python Lists Easy List HackerRank #1 9 Python
41. Text Wrap Easy Implemenation HackerRank #1 2 Python
42. Python Print Easy Implemenation HackerRank #1 1 Python
43. Swap Case Easy Implemenation HackerRank #1 1 Python
44. Missing Number Easy Hash Table LeetCode #1 2 Python
45. Valid Anagram Easy Hash Table LeetCode #1 5 Python
46. Two Sum Easy Hash Table LeetCode #1 3 Python
47. Reverse Integer Medium Math LeetCode #3 9 Python
48. Multiply Strings Medium String LeetCode #1 9 Python
49. Find Duplicate File in System Medium Hash Table LeetCode #1 6 Python
50. Adding Spaces to a String Medium String LeetCode #1 4 Python
51. Subdomain Visit Count Medium Hash Table LeetCode #2 14 Python
52. Replace Elements in an Array Medium Hash Table LeetCode #1 4 Python
53. Remove Smallest Easy Sorting Codeforces #1 7 Python
54. Less or Equal Medium Sorting Codeforces #3 16 Python
55. Ehab Is an Odd Person Medium Sorting Codeforces #2 12 Python
56. Arithmetic Operators Easy Math HackerRank #1 1 Python
57. Python: Division Easy Math HackerRank #1 1 Python
58. Convert the Temperature Easy Math LeetCode #1 1 Python
59. Find Three Consecutive Integers That Sum to a Given Number Medium Math LeetCode #1 4 Python
60. Max Consecutive Ones Easy Implementation LeetCode #1 3 Python
61. String Split and Join Easy String HackerRank #1 1 Python
62. What's Your Name? Easy String HackerRank #1 1 Python
63. Smallest Even Multiple Easy Math LeetCode #1 1 Python
64. Python If-Else Easy Math HackerRank #1 1 Python
65. Loops Easy Math HackerRank #1 1 Python
66. Power - Mod Power Easy Math HackerRank #1 1 Python
67. Longest Common Prefix Easy String LeetCode #1 7 Python
68. Merge Strings Alternately Easy String LeetCode #1 2 Python
69. Defanging an IP Address Easy String LeetCode #1 1 Python
70. Find the Difference Easy String LeetCode #1 2 Python
71. Reverse Words in a String Medium String LeetCode #1 1 Python


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