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1.0.60 Update Stack Hawk config to config from vendor #28

1.0.60 Update Stack Hawk config to config from vendor

1.0.60 Update Stack Hawk config to config from vendor #28

# Define the name of the workflow.
name: Scan Application with StackHawk
# Define when the workflow should be triggered.
# Trigger the workflow on the following events:
# Scan changed files in Pull Requests (diff-aware scanning).
pull_request: {}
# Trigger the workflow on-demand through the GitHub Actions interface.
workflow_dispatch: {}
# Scan mainline branches (main and development) and report all findings.
branches: ["main"]
# Define the jobs that should be executed in this workflow.
# Job to run StackHawk HawkScan as a GitHub Action.
name: StackHawk HawkScan Github Action
# Specify the runner environment. Use the latest version of Ubuntu.
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Define permissions for specific GitHub Actions.
actions: read # Permission to read GitHub Actions.
contents: read # Permission to read repository contents.
security-events: write # Permission to write security events.
# Define the steps that should be executed in this job.
# Step 1: Checkout code from the repository.
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
# Step 2: Install LDAP Utilities
- name: Install LDAP Utilities
run: |
# Install LDAP Utilities including ldapadd
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y ldap-utils
# Step 3: Build and Start Containers
- name: Build and Start Containers
run: |
# Starting containers using Docker Compose.
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d;
# Step 4: Load Users into LDAP Directory
- name: Load Users into LDAP Directory
run: |
# Uploading Mutillidae LDIF file to LDAP directory server.
# ldapadd will exit with non-zero exit code if user already exists in the directory
# Use || true to force zero exit code
ldapadd -c -x -D "cn=admin,dc=mutillidae,dc=localhost" -w mutillidae -H ldap:// -f $CURRENT_DIRECTORY/ldap/ldif/mutillidae.ldif || true;
# Step 5: Run Database Build Script
- name: Run Database Build Script
run: |
# Wait for the database to start.
sleep 30;
# Requesting Mutillidae database be built.
# Step 6: Check if web application up
- name: Check Web Application
run: |
# This should return the index.php home page content
# Step 7: Run StackHawk Scan
- name: Run StackHawk Scan
uses: stackhawk/hawkscan-action@v2
apiKey: ${{ secrets.HAWK_API_KEY }} # Secret key for authentication.
configurationFiles: .github/workflows/config/stackhawk.yml # Path to configuration file.
codeScanningAlerts: true # Enable code scanning alerts.
githubToken: ${{ github.token }} # GitHub token for authentication to Code Scanning Alerts