Start of a signal K server implemented in go
First only a n2k can source will be implemented with a subset of canboat supported PGN's
go 1.20
Get the webapps Freeboard-sk and Instrumentpanel
$ make webapps
$ make build
$ make buildarm
For a ARMv6 target
Run the server
$ ./build/signalk-server-go --file-source samples/nemo-n2k.txt
Point a browser at http://localhost:3000/
For live data with a can device with socketcan support
./build//signalk-server-go --source can0
If you have an AIS connected to the N2K network
./build/signalk-server-go --mmsi <mmsi number> --source can0
More options
$ build/signalk-server-go --help
Usage of build/signalk-server-go:
Enable debugging
-file-source value
Path to candump file
-mmsi string
Vessel MMSI
-port int
Listen port (default 3000)
-source value
Source Can device
Enable tls
-tlscert string
Tls certificate file
-tlskey string
Tls key file
Show version
-webapp-path string
Path to webapps (default "./static")
Serve webapps (default true)