A Docker image providing pywikibot
with a Wikibase.cloud specific families, configured using environment variables.
Configuration is provided using the following environment variables:
The hostname of the source wiki, e.g. coffeebase.wikibase.cloud
The protocol used by the source wiki, defaults to HTTPS
The username tied to the OAuth 1.0 credentials. In case this is not provided, access to the source wiki will be unauthenticated.
The OAuth consumer token used for authenticating against the source wiki.
The OAuth consumer secret used for authenticating against the source wiki.
The OAuth access token used for authenticating against the source wiki.
The OAuth access secret used for authenticating against the source wiki.
The hostname of the target wiki, e.g. newwiki.wikibase.cloud
The protocol used by the target wiki, defaults to HTTPS
The username tied to the OAuth 1.0 credentials. In case this is not provided, access to the source wiki will be unauthenticated.
The OAuth consumer token used for authenticating against the target wiki.
The OAuth consumer secret used for authenticating against the target wiki.
The OAuth access token used for authenticating against the target wiki.
The OAuth access secret used for authenticating against the target wiki.