Oracle class for PHP/Oracle
- Database connection instance with SYSDBA option
- Schema switching
- Dynamic parameter binding ( except BLOB/CLOB ) .
- Calls Directly PL/SQL Functions/Procedures , supports OUT parameters also .
Creating instance:
- By default a localhost connection is established on default port.
$db = new Oracle();
- To specify host and other parameters:
$db = new Oracle($host, $port, $charset);
Establishing connection:
- Connection method is defined as follow
connect($username, $password, $isSysdba = false, $schema = null)
- Switching Schema:
NOTE: these methods may return DBCException
on failure.
Select without parameters:
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM table';
$result = $db->qin($sql);
if(!$result['success']) { // operation failed
$error = $result['data'];
} else { // operation succeeded
foreach($result['data'] as $row) {
Select with parameters
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = :id AND cat_id = :cat_id';
$params = Array(
':id' => $id,
':cat_id' => $cat_id
$result = $db->qin($sql, $params);
if(!$result['success']) { // operation failed
$error = $result['data'];
} else { // operation succeeded
foreach($result['data'] as $row) {
$sql = 'UPDATE table SET cat_id = :cat_id WHERE id = :id';
$params = Array(
':id' => $id,
':cat_id' => $cat_id
$result = $db->qout($sql, $params);
if(!$result['success']) { // operation failed
$error = $result['data'];
} else { // Update/Insert succeeded
Cursor Function Calling:Cursor Function Calling:
$funcName = 'function_name_that_returns_cursor';
$params = Array(
':param1' => $param1,
':param2' => $param2,
':param3' => $param3,
':param4' => $param4,
$result = $db->callCursorFunction($funcName, $params);
// We must check if operation succeeded
if(!$result['success']) { // operation failed
$error = $result['data'];
} else { // operation succeeded
$cursor_result = $result['data'];
Procedure Calling:
// add_new_user = procedure , that inserts new user , it has out parameters
$procName = 'add_new_user';
$params = Array(
':p_username' => $username,
':p_password' => md5($password),
':p_inserted_id' => NULL , // OUT parameter for new user id
':p_error' => NULL , // OUT parameter for error number
':p_error_description' => NULL // OUT parameter for error description
$result = $db->callProcedure($procName, $params);
if($result['success']) {
if($params[':p_error'] != NULL) {
$error = $params[':p_error_description'];
} else {
$last_inserted_id = $params[':p_inserted_id'];
} else {
$error = $result['data'];