Experimental library for Ionic Framework helps you build an app without Typescript, only HTML/CSS.
Built on top of ng-interactions.
- install via npm:
npm i ng-ionix@latest --save
- Import IoxModule in you module
import { IoxModule } from "ng-ionix";
imports: [
export class AppModule { }
is a component that make and call an HTTP request.
<api #getPage
[executingMessage]="'LOADING_MSG' | translate"
Property | Desc. |
url | api url |
method | default is get |
anonymous | default is true |
authorized | default is null |
cache | whether or not to cache the data, default is false |
persistDataKey | whether or not to save returned data (mapped data) in Local Storage |
executingMessage | loading message you want to show during executing the api, default is null, so no loading message will show |
successMessage | toast message you want to show if completed successfuly, default is null, so no toast will show |
errorMessage | toast message you want to show if received an error, default is null, so no toast will show |
pagingQueryParam | the name of page parameter to pass in url query, default is page e.g. ?page=1 |
startPageNo | the number should starts paging results at, default is 1 |
hasNextPage | determines whether it has a next page or not |
dataPath | the actual data path you want to store it in data property. |
response | readonly HTTP response |
data | readonly represents mapped data from response, if dataPath wasn't provided will be the same as response |
error | readonly HTTP error |
executing | readonly whether is executing or not |
is a custom action built on top of ActionBase
from ng-interactions.
You can pass the name of action as a string or an api
When action
is attached to ion-content, will be executed after the element is loaded. otherwise it will be executed on click event.
Use [action]
to call and execute api
, and when it is bound to ion-content
that has ion-refresher
or/and ion-infinite-scroll
, it will implement ionRefresh
and ionInfinite
<api #loadProducts url="/products"
[executingMessage]="'LOADING_MSG' | translate"
<ion-content [action]="loadProducts">
<!-- no need to implement (ionRefresh) event, [action] takes care of it. -->
<ion-refresher-content pullingText="" refreshingText="">
<ion-item *ngFor="let item of loadProducts?.data">
<event-trigger on="click">
<action [action]="'pushView'" [actionParams]="['ProductDetailPage', { productId: item.id }]"></action>
<!-- no need to implement (ionInfinite) event, [action] takes care of it. -->
You can pass query parameters to api
using [actionParams]
in two ways:
- an array of values: ['category_1', 4], so will be applied to
query variables in order. - an object with keys that match variables in api url: { cat: 'category_1', id: 4 }.
<api url="/{cat}/products/{id}"> <!-- the result will be the same for both ways, so final url wil be: '/category_1/product/4'. --> <api>
<button [action]="'pushView'" [actionParams]="['SomePage', { product: item }]">Push</action>
<button [action]="'popView'"></button>
<button [action]="'setRootView'" [actionParams]="['SomePage']">Set Root</button>
<event-trigger on="click">
<action [action]="'closeView'"></action>
<!-- Or -->
<button [action]="'closeView'" [actionParams]="[{ selectedItem: item }]">Ok</button>
<button [action]="'showModal'" [actionParams]="['ModalPage', { params... }]">Show Modal</button>
<button [action]="'showToast'" [actionParams]="[{ message: 'toast message...', duration: 3000 }]">Show Toast</button>
<button [action]="'submitForm'">Show Toast</button>
import { IoxHttpOptions } from "ng-ionix";
constructor(httpOptions: IoxHttpOptions) {
httpOptions.domain = 'https://www.mydomain.com';
httpOptions.apiBasePath = '/api/v1';
import { IoxAuthService } from "ng-ionix";
constructor(authService: IoxAuthService) {
authService.authorizationHeader = 'Bearer';
authService.accessToken = 'user access token should be stored here';
authService.authenticateAsync = (): Observable<boolean> => {
return new Observable(observer => {
// check if user is authenticated or not, refresh the token if expired.
import { HttpRequest } from "@angular/common/http";
constructor(httpService: IoxHttpService) {
httpService.iterceptRequest = (httpRequest: HttpRequest<any>) => {
// change the request...
return true; // true to allow the execution
import { IAction } from "ng-ionix";
export class MyCustomAction implements IAction {
name: string = 'customPushView';
constructor(private app: App) {
execute(params: any): Observable<any> {
return Observable.fromPromise(this.app.getActiveNavs()[0].push.apply(this.app.getActiveNavs()[0], params));
// in App or AppModule
import { IAction, ActionsProvider } from "ng-ionix";
constructor(actionsProvider: ActionsProvider, myAction: MyCustomAction) {
takes care of building FormGroup, and calling api
Property | Desc. |
submitAction | an api object |
submitParams | an array of parameters as follows: 0: whether or not to send only changes. 1: tag name, 'update' will group all fields that has 'update' tag and compose them in one object and send it to api as a body. '!update' will take all fields that its tag not equals to 'update' 2: parameter for api |
<iox-form #form [submitAction]="addProfileApi" [submitParams]="[true, '!noupdate', { id: 10 }]">
<button [action]="'submitForm'">Save</button>
Property | Desc. |
name | field name |
default | default value for the field |
required | boolean |
min | number |
max | number |
minLength | number |
maxLength | number |
regex | string |
tag | string to mark fields and group them, so you can include/exclude them before submitting the form |
component helps you to display validation errors for a control/field.
Form example:
<iox-form #form [submitAction]="updateProfileApi" [submitParams]="[true, '!noupdate', { id: 10 }]">
<field-def name="id" tag="noupdate" />
<field-def name="email" [required]="true" />
<field-def name="firstName" [required]="true" />
<field-def name="lastName" [required]="true" />
<ion-list *ngIf="form?.formGroup" [formGroup]="form.formGroup">
<ion-label floating>{{ 'email' | translate }}</ion-label>
<ion-input type="email" formControlName="email"></ion-input>
<validations [control]="'email'"></validations>
<!-- when you click the button will submit the form, make an object with all changed fields (first param: true) that have no 'noupdate' in tag property (second param: '!noupdate'), then will call updateProfileApi with query parameter (id: 10) -->
<button [action]="'submitForm'">Save</button>
<iox-confirm #confirm okText="Ok" cancelText="Cancel" [message]="msg | translate" [title]="title | translate" (cancelled)="..." (confirmed)="..."></iox-confirm>
<button (click)="confirm.present()">
Show Confirm
<iox-loading #loading [message]="msg | translate" [duration]="2000"></iox-loading>
<button (click)="loading.present()">
Show Loading
<iox-toast #toast [message]="msg | translate" [duration]="2000"></iox-toast>
<button (click)="toast.present()">
Show Toast
Also you can use showOn
preporty on toast, loading or confirm to show it when the value is true.
<iox-toast #toast [message]="msg | translate" [duration]="2000" [showOn]="value.length > 10"></iox-toast>
Use iox-view-params
to read parameters passed to current page.
<api #getProductDetailApi
[executingMessage]="'LOADING_MSG' | translate"
<iox-view-params #viewParams></iox-view-params>
<ion-content [action]="getProductDetailApi" [actionParams]="[viewParams?.get('productId')]">
Enable you to access LocalStorage.
<iox-storage #storage></iox-storage>
<div>{{ storage?.get('some-key') }}</div>
<button (click)="storage.set('key', value)">
Access global variables across all the pages.
<iox-global-vars #vars></iox-global-vars>
<div>{{ vars?.get('some-key') }}</div>
Temporary variables inside the page.
<iox-local-vars #vars></iox-local-vars>
<div>{{ vars?.get('some-key') }}</div>
<button (click)="vars.set('key', value)">