A Flexible Efficient Secure Computation Backend.
JAVA-8 required
Looking for more efficient FlexSC? emp-toolkit is written in C/C++ and supports both malicious and semi-honest 2(M)PC
version 0.2
- Runnable backend.
- Modes(REAL, VERIFY, COUNT, OPT, OFFLINE) that can run the real protocol, verify the correctness of circuit and count the statitics of the circuits, halfgate protocols and offline garblging.
- Basic integer arithmetic circuit library with test case.
- Fixed point and Floating point arithmetic circuit library with test case.
- Sorting circuit library with test case.
- Libs for Matrix and vectors.
- RAM support
version 0.3(TODO)
- optimize some circuit size for Integers, redesign floating point numbers.
- optimize roundtrip problem
- develop better tutorial
This document is in developemnt.