This project(C++), involves all types of features from which we can handle contact-related info like we can add a name, email, and phone number.
This Contact Management project involves C++ source code.
(1) It manages all details of a user like first name, last name, email address, phone number.
(2) This program reduces manual work for handling the user's info(first name, last name, email address, phone number).
(1) we can add a name, email address, phone number.
(2) we can edit/update the phone number of a user.
(3) we can delete the info a user corresponding to the desired phone number.
(4) we can search phone numbers through any key(first name/last name/email id).
(5) we can see all listed phone numbers and user's details.
(6) Press a special key to exit the program.
This code involves major (i) add contact (ii) contact list (iii) edit contact (iv) search contact (v) delete contact functions.
(1) In the main function we have to choose a key to run the desired function.
(i) In add contact function just need to make a file add write all info(first name, last name, email id, phone number).
(ii) In the contact list function iterate the file till the end and print the all user's info.
(iii) In edit contact function 1st need to input info of the user of which you want to edit the phone number then enter a new phone number and replace this phone number with the older one and then make a new file a write all contact of the older file into the new file and at the end remove the older file and rename the new file to older file.
(iv) In the search contact function just need to enter a keyword and from this existing keyword print the info of all contacts.
(v) In the delete contact function enter the phone number which you want to delete from the file and then make a new file and add all contact list of the older file except the details of the user corresponding to entered(which you want to delete) phone and then remove the older file and then rename the new file to the older file.