Pomotrail was created based on the idea of making a way to avoid interruptions while working on a task, using Pomodoro technique principles. Thinking on it, 0.0.1 beta was created.
- Login layout
- Task create/delete
- Play 25min pomodoros on a task (which is the big deal of the app)
- Short resting 5min on a task (after the 25min working)
- Long resting 15min after 3 pomodoros done
- Show task status (stopped, working, resting)
- Show pomodoros done on a task
- Show interruptions on a task (when stop while working)
Creating projects, which have users, which have tasks. Then we can evolve it into a place where everyone (of the project) can see which task someone is working. Doing that we really can avoid a lot of interruptions on the working space!
- Create an issue
- Fork the project
- Send a pull request
- Have fun! :)