If you are a new user, you can register by entering your details in the registration page below.
You can login into your account after your first registration in the login page below.
The main page below will be the first page that you will see when you sign in. In this page you can edit / delete the current URL entries by clicking on the edit / delete button. You can also create a new URL by clicking on the create New URL in the navigation bar.
If you clicked on the create New URL, you be will see the page below. You can enter the website URL to generate a new short URL that can redirect you to the actual website.
If you clicked the edit button on the main page, you will see the page below where you can edit your longURL without changing the shortURL.
Finally, you can log out whenever you are done using the app!
- Node.js
- Express
- bcrypt
- body-parser
- cookie-session
This project can be improved in the following ways:
- The UI / UX can be more user friendly with images of the actual website.
- A database like mongodb to store user's information for future use.
- Install all dependencies (using the
npm install
command). - Run the development web server using the
node express_server.js