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Releases: vtenfys/notion-linux

Notion 2.0.11 (Revision 8)

20 Feb 01:13
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Changes since last release:


To update on Ubuntu, Debian or Linux Mint:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

To update on Fedora or CentOS:

sudo dnf update --refresh

To update on openSUSE:

sudo zypper refresh && sudo zypper update

Migration to Gemfury

13 Feb 19:28
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Changes since last release:

  • Due to cost of Firebase Hosting, repositories have moved to Gemfury which offers free public hosting
  • Migration is required for Ubuntu, Debian and Linux Mint users, due to changes in repository structure

No packages have been updated in this release.

Migrate to new repository

The following action is required for existing Ubuntu, Debian and Linux Mint users:

sudo mv notion-linux.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/notion-linux.list

No action is required for existing Fedora, CentOS and openSUSE users.

Notion 2.0.11 (Revision 7)

08 Feb 00:29
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Changes since last release:


To update on Ubuntu, Debian or Linux Mint:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

To update on Fedora or CentOS:

sudo dnf update --refresh

To update on openSUSE:

sudo zypper refresh && sudo zypper update

Notion 2.0.11 (Revision 6)

06 Feb 16:35
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Changes since last release:

  • Produce notion-enhanced packages with Notion Enhancer mods applied
    • Vanilla Notion packages are still available using the notion-desktop package
  • Refactor and improve build scripts

Migrate to notion-enhanced

This step is optional; you can continue using notion-desktop package for the vanilla version of Notion.

If you would like to migrate from notion-desktop to notion-enhanced, follow the steps below:

  1. If you've applied Notion Enhancer to the vanilla notion-desktop package, first uninstall it:
    npm remove -g notion-enhancer
  2. Uninstall notion-desktop using the relevant command for your system:
    sudo apt remove notion-desktop     # Ubuntu, Debian, Linux Mint
    sudo dnf remove notion-desktop     # Fedora, CentOS
    sudo zypper remove notion-desktop  # openSUSE
  3. Migrate your configuration directory:
    mv ~/.config/notion-{desktop,enhanced}
  4. Install notion-enhanced using the installation steps in the README.


To update on Ubuntu, Debian or Linux Mint:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

To update on Fedora or CentOS:

sudo dnf update --refresh

To update on openSUSE:

sudo zypper refresh && sudo zypper update

Notion 2.0.11 (Revision 5)

04 Feb 23:22
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Changes since last release:

  • Update to Electron 11.2.2
  • Set StartupNotify=false due to problems in GNOME with the default value of true


To update on Ubuntu, Debian or Linux Mint:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

To update on Fedora or CentOS:

sudo dnf update --refresh

To update on openSUSE:

sudo zypper refresh && sudo zypper update

Notion 2.0.11 (Revision 4)

03 Feb 01:19
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Changes since last release:

  • Remove update checker patch
  • Provide DEB and RPM repositories

To install on Ubuntu, Debian or Linux Mint:

sudo mv notion-linux.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/notion-linux.list
sudo apt update && sudo apt install notion-desktop

To install on Fedora or CentOS:

sudo mv notion-linux.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/notion-linux.repo
sudo dnf install notion-desktop

To install on openSUSE:

sudo mv notion-linux.repo /etc/zypp/repos.d/notion-linux.repo
sudo zypper install notion-desktop

Notion 2.0.11 (Revision 3)

31 Jan 17:12
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Changes since last release:

Ubuntu, Debian, Linux Mint (DEB):

  • Most users should download notion-desktop_2.0.11-3_amd64.deb, for PCs with Intel or AMD processors.
  • Download notion-desktop_2.0.11-3_arm64.deb for 64-bit ARM devices, such as Raspberry Pi.

Fedora, CentOS, openSUSE (RPM):

  • Most users should download notion-desktop-2.0.11-3.x86_64.rpm, for PCs with Intel or AMD processors.
  • Download notion-desktop-2.0.11-3.aarch64.rpm for 64-bit ARM devices, such as Raspberry Pi.

Note: If you were fast enough to download this release within the first 15 minutes of it being out, you'll be taken to this page even after installing the update. This was a bug with the update checker which was fixed in 5a039ad; please download and install the same package again, and you will no longer be prompted to update.

Notion 2.0.11 (Revision 2)

09 Jan 01:38
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Changes since last release:

  • Check for updates on startup and open the latest release on GitHub if a new version is available
  • Support logging in with Google and Apple ID using a web browser

Ubuntu, Debian, Linux Mint (DEB):

  • Most users should download notion-desktop_2.0.11_amd64.deb, for PCs with Intel or AMD processors.
  • Download notion-desktop_2.0.11_arm64.deb for 64-bit ARM devices, such as Raspberry Pi.

Notion 2.0.11 (Revision 1)

23 Dec 20:15
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  • Update to Electron 11.1.1
  • Add build support for alternate architectures
  • Provide pre-built ARM64 package

Notion 2.0.11

06 Dec 23:37
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