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Wiener Netze Smart Meter B2B API node for Node-RED

This package provides a node for Node-RED to access the (inofficial) Wiener Netze Smart Meter B2B API. So far only querying of Zählpunkte (metering points) metadata and Messwerte/Zählerstände (meter readings) is supported. The currently implemented authentication (via username and password) is a workaround as long as Wiener Netze is incapable of offering official API access, which has, however, been announced (see portal user settings or official manual, section 7.1). Be aware that the B2B API is not yet an official production version and can therefore change spontaneously. It is therefore advisable to check whether the requested data has been received.


npm i @vrilcode/node-red-wnsm-b2b
