This is result of my work with SuperJob api:
All of these scripts requires Python 3.x. and modules from requirements.txt
Also there is full Eng interface.
I made program wich search for programmers from Moscow and downloads 100 results of search into json file. You need to enter your api_key, wich you could get here after registration of your own app.
Enter your api key :
vacancies saved into vacancies.json
Remember, that you must delete this data in couple of days, because superjob don't allow to save their data
This program need path to json file from 1 task.
Program copy only usefull information about downlowaded vacancies and put it into a new json file.
Enter path to DataBase:
vacancies saved into simple_vacancies.json
This program need path to json file from 2 task.
Program count popularity of every languge for downloaded vacancions and averege earnings for each of them.
Also it draws bar chart with this statistics and saves it in .png format.
Enter path to DataBase:
here would be a bar chart
stats saved into statistics.png