This sandbox is a testing ground for the cmf bundles being developed.
It is based on the Symfony Standard edition and adds all cmf related bundles on top of the standard edition bundles.
Link to the live demo
You can run the sandbox on your system, or in a virtualbox VM using Vagrant. For the latter, see "Getting started using Vagrant"
- Git 1.6+
- PHP 5.3.3+
- php5-intl
- phpunit 3.6+ (optional)
- composer
git clone git://
cd cmf-sandbox
# copy parameters template and edit as needed
cp app/config/parameters.yml.dist app/config/parameters.yml
cp app/config/phpcr_jackrabbit.yml.dist app/config/phpcr.yml
curl -s | php --
Follow the guide in the Jackalope Wiki. You can also use a different PHPCR implementation but this is what is most tested.
php composer.phar install
This will fetch the main project and all it's dependencies ( CMF Bundles, Symfony, Doctrine\PHPCR, Jackalope ... )
Please also adjust the app/config/parameters.yml
as needed.
Instead of phpcr_jackrabbit.yml.dist
, use the phpcr_doctrine_dbal*.yml.dist
files and create the database accordingly.
To have the Doctrine DBAL implementation installed run the following additional command
php composer.phar require jackalope/jackalope-doctrine-dbal:dev-master
To enable the meta data and node cache to improve performance first enable LiipDoctrineCacheBundle
in app/AppKernel.php
and then also perform:
php composer.phar require liip/doctrine-cache-bundle:dev-master
Finally uncomment the caches
settings in the phpcr.yml
as well as the liip_doctrine_cache
settings in app/config.yml
Note: On Windows you need to run the shell as Administrator or edit the composer.json
change the line "symfony-assets-install": "symlink"
to "symfony-assets-install": ""
If you fail to do this you might receive:
Unable to create symlink due to error code 1314: 'A required privilege is not held by the client'. Do you have the required Administrator-rights?
Then, create the database and tables and set up the default workspace using
app/console doctrine:database:create
app/console doctrine:phpcr:init:dbal
If you want to run the CMF sandbox with the Midgard2 PHPCR provider
instead of Jackrabbit, you need to install the midgard2
PHP extension.
On current debian / ubuntu systems, this is simply done with sudo apt-get install php5-midgard2
, on OS X
sudo port install php5-midgard2
resp. brew install midgard2-php
You also need to download midgard_tree_node.xml
and midgard_namespace_registry.xml
schema files, and place them into /usr/share/midgard2/schema
(note: this path may be different if you built Midgard2 yourself. It is
basically $PREFIX/share/midgard2/schema
To have the midgard phpcr implementation installed run the following additional command
php composer.phar require midgard/phpcr:dev-master
Finally, instead of phpcr_jackrabbit.yml.dist
, use one of the phpcr_midgard_*.yml.dist
First you need to create a workspace that will hold the data for the sandbox. The default parameters.yml defines the workspace to be 'default'. You can change this of course. If you do, f.e. to 'sandbox, also run the following command:
app/console doctrine:phpcr:workspace:create sandbox
Once your workspace is set up, you need to register the node types for phpcr-odm:
app/console doctrine:phpcr:register-system-node-types
The admin backend is still in an early stage. Until it improves, the easiest is to programmatically create data. The best way to do that is with the doctrine data fixtures. The DoctrinePHPCRBundle included in the symfony-cmf repository provides a command to load fixtures.
app/console -v doctrine:phpcr:fixtures:load
Run this to load the fixtures from the Sandbox MainBundle.
Create an apache virtual host entry along the lines of
<Virtualhost *:80>
Servername cmf.lo
DocumentRoot /path/to/symfony-cmf/cmf-sandbox/web
<Directory /path/to/symfony-cmf/cmf-sandbox>
AllowOverride All
And add an entry to your hosts file for cmf.lo
If you are running Symfony2 for the first time, run http://cmf.lo/config.php to ensure your system settings have been setup inline with the expected behaviour of the Symfony2 framework.
Note however that "Configure your Symfony Application online" is not supported in the sandbox.
Then point your browser to http://cmf.lo/app_dev.php
In order to run the sandbox in production mode at http://cmf.lo/ you need to generate the doctrine proxies and dump the assetic assets:
app/console cache:warmup --env=prod --no-debug
app/console assetic:dump --env=prod --no-debug
please checkout the in the vagrant/ folder of the project
The PHPCR ODM Bundle provides a couple of useful commands in the doctrine:phpcr namespace. Type app/console to see them all.
There is a proof-of-concept admin interface using the SonataPhpcrAdminBundle at http://cmf.lo/app_dev.php/admin/dashboard
Basically you have paginated lists for two types of documents. You create new documents, edit and delete them. Some filtering is available in the list. This bundle is an implementation of Sonata Admin Bundle
At the moment there is no notion of parents and sons in the admin bundle.
Functional tests are written with PHPUnit. Note that Bundles and Components are tested independently.
app/console doctrine:phpcr:workspace:create sandbox_test
phpunit -c app