Angular JS capstone project that could possibly be used for personal study sessions.
Study smarter, not harder. This app allows student to keep track of and organize their study time, notes, questions, and GitHub commits all in one place.
Demo: Note: Allow popup for google authentication if it's the first time, or the first time in 30 days, you visit the app.
Index on root to redirect to app6/13/15Give credit where it belongs6/13/15
- User option to login or logout
Logo for the header6/13/15Favicons6/13/15Footer content6/14/15Make save button more obivous6/14/15Add instructions overlay6/14/15
Fix popup location on smaller size container6/13/15
- Watch for updateo on TextAngular issue of pasting unneccesary style
- Setup a backend to receive payload from Github API automatically
Store GH username with the session6/14/15
Distinguish clickables from the un-clickables6/14/15Format time to Xh XXm format6/13/15