config.json - configuration file - main file utility
format: json
"host_name" - string. server host name. example: "localhost",
"database_name" - string. postgress database name . example : "test",
"user_name" - string. example: "postgres",
"user_password" - string. example: "123" (optonal). If password empty just remove this key ,
"port" - string. example: "5432",
"backup_dir" - string. Folder to collect backups. example: "/var/db_backup"
"backup_file_postfix" - string. Postfix for backup file. Пример: "_%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S"
used libraries : subprocess, shlex, datetime, os, time, json working with: dropdb, createdb, pg_restore, pg_dump
After run :
1 - Backup (create dump)
2 - Restore (restore from dump)
3 - Exit
Backup process create file "<database_name>_<backup_file_postfix>" in backup folder (configuration parameter "backup_dir")
Restore process show all files in "backup_dir" and wait for input number of file
Select file
0 - test_2021-12-14_17:11:14.dmp
1 - test_2021-12-14_17:10:56.dmp
2 - test_2021-12-14_17:09:43.dmp
3 - test_2021-12-14_17:08:32.dmp
4 - test_2021-12-14_17:05:32.dmp
5 - test_2021-12-14_16:54:45.dmp