Tonga Met App Backeend
Getting started with Docker Dev environment using docker4drupal
# When starting for the first time copy the override-sample file and update as
cp docker-compose.override-sample.yml docker-compose.override.yml
# If you dont have a settings.php copy the default one
cp settings.default.php sites/default/settings.php
# Also update the .env file with your project name. Then start up docker-compose
docker-compose up -d
The settings.docker.php file will map into the docker environment for environment specific configs. This is a good place to put sensitive configs (not for commiting to git) such as passwords. On production you can create a settings.local.php and override the configs.
Once installed you can access the dev site on port 8000. e.g. tms.docker.localhost:8000
Common commands
# start up dev environment
docker-compose up -d
# stop environment
docker-compose stop
# delete everything and start in a clean environment
docker-compose down -v
# check logs
docker-compose logs -f
# check logs for specific container
docker-compose logs -f php
# log into php container (this will allow use of drush and composer)
docker-compose exec php sh
- See ainsofs/drupal-project for gitlab ci and composer tests