:: This is a personal development to my Git Library ::
How can u install it ? 🤷♂️️
first u need to clone my project from github: HTTPS: https://github.com/vinebks/nodejs-first-project.git
now with the project cloned in you pc run these comands:
✅️ yarn - this will install all dependeces that the project needs.
- This project use Postgres as principal database, I run my db into a docker container, u need to config the database and your conections.
- Using TypeORM configs u need to fix ormconfig.json.
after u have installed and conected you database, pls continue with the next passes:
✅️ yarn typeorm migration:run - this will execute all migrations that project use.
✅️ yarn dev - this command will run our project
if your console logged "::This Application is Running on port :: 3001" project has run succesfully,
if it doesn`t works u need try debug the project or report me with a comment.
Thanks for seeing my project!