Proof-of-concept of bootstrapping a WebRTC connection using the Whisper protocol as a signalling channel
In order to create a direct WebRTC connection, two browsers ("Alice" and "Bob") must negotiate a session by exchanging session descriptions over a signalling channel. In most implementations, the signalling channel is a central server that is accessible to both parties (typically a websocket or stateful-API). This central server presents a single point of failure, where an adversary can prevent Alice and Bob from initiating a WebRTC connection simply by blocking their ability to speak to the central server.
To prevent this, Alice and Bob can use the Whisper protocol to exchange signalling information. As a decentralized messaging protocol, Whisper can be used as a censorship-resistant channel that can be used to establish a WebRTC channel. Augmenting Whisper with WebRTC also augments the base protocol (designed to be low-bandwidth/high-latency), allowing actors on the Whisper network to "upgrade" to a high-bandwidth, low-latency connection.
In this PoC, we assume that Alice wishes to broadcast video to Bob, a person she does not know. To do so, she publishes her public key (PK) on the Ethereum blockchain. When Bob learns of Alice's PK, he can send her a message with his whisper PK, establishing bi-directional communication over Whisper, and creating a signalling channel to establish the WebRTC connection.
Below find an abridged description of how Alice and Bob negotiate a WebRTC connection via Whisper. Code sketches are provided; for further reference consult the source code directly.
- Alice generates a Whisper PK and publishes to the Ethereum blockchain
// Generating a new Public Key in Whisper
shh.newKeyPair().then((keyId) => Promise.all([
shh.newMessageFilter({ privateKeyId: keyId }),
]).then(([ publicKey, filterId ]) => {
// publicKey is Alice's PK on the Whiper protocol; can be used by others to send encrypted
// messages to her.
// filterId is a Whisper message filter that is used to fetch messages for this PK
from: '0x1111...', // Alice's Ethereum address
to: '0x2222...',
value: web3.utils.toWei('20', 'gwei'),
data: web3.utils.toHex(publicKey), // Alice's public key appended to transaction
gasLimit: '50000',
- Bob generates and sends his own PK to Alice, encrypting the content with Alice's PK
const payload = {
myPublicKey: '0x3333333...', // Bob's PK
ttl: 70,
powTarget: 2.5,
powTime: 2,
payload: web3.utils.toHex(JSON.stringify(payload)), // Bob's serialized PK
pubKey: '0x1111...', // Alice's PK (for encryption)
- Alice/Bob begin listening for incoming Whisper messages
// This code can be polled regularly to fetch new messages
shh.getFilterMessages(filterId).then((mesgs) => {
const decodedMesgs = => {
const mesgStr = web3.utils.hexToAscii(mesg.payload)
return JSON.parse(mesgStr)
// Use decoded messages hee
- Alice initiates a WebRTC connection, sending an
const peerConnection = new RTCPeerConnection(config)
.then((offer) => {
console.log('Created offer', offer)
return peerConnection.setLocalDescription(offer).then(() => {
// Alice sends Bob the serialized offer via Whisper
- Bob receives
, creates and sends anAnswer
to Alice
.then((answer) => {
// Bob sends Alice the answer via Whisper. Alice calls setRemoteDescription once she
// receives the answer
- Alice/Bob exchange ICE candidates, establishing the WebRTC connection
const onIceCandidate = (iceEvt) => {
if (iceEvt.candidate) {
// Send candidate to the other side via Whisper
peerConnection.onicecandidate = onIceCandidate
// When candidate is received on the remote end over Whisper
const receiveCandidate = (candidate) => {
.then(() => console.log('Added ice candidate', candidate))
.catch((err) => console.log('error adding ice candidate', err, candidate))