RxJS - It is a reactive javascript library for Events and complex Asyncronous callback functions. Observables works as the major part of RxJS.
- Oprerator is working behind the Observables.
- .map(), .merge() etc,.
Major Operator Types:
- Combination Operators: -> joining of information of multiple observables.
Operators Types:
=> combineAll - combines multiple observables to create new observable that combines the latest emited values of the input observable. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Combination%20Operators/combineAll/app.js
=> combineLatest* - converts higher order observable to forst order observable and waits for the completion of outer observable to emit the output. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Combination%20Operators/combineLatest/app.js
=> concat* - creates an output observable that concats all observable emited values in sequential order one observale after another. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Combination%20Operators/concat/app.js
=> concatAll - converts higher order observable to first order observable and combines all inner observables in order. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Combination%20Operators/concatAll/app.js
=> forkJoin - coverts almost anything to an observable and emits in a array. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Combination%20Operators/forkJoin/app.js
=> merge* - creates an observable the combines all the emitted values from the input observables. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Combination%20Operators/merge/app.js
=> mergeAll - converts higher order observable to first order observable that delivers all values emitted by the inner observables. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Combination%20Operators/mergeAll/app.js
=> pairwise - puts the current value and next value as an array and emits it. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Combination%20Operators/pairwise/app.js
=> race - returns an observable that mirrors the first source observable emits that occured with multiple of observables and ignores other. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Combination%20Operators/race/app.js
=> startWith* - returns an observable that emits the output concating the startwith value as prefix to the actual output. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Combination%20Operators/startWith/app.js
=> withLatestFrom* - whenever the source observable emits the value it combines with the latest emitted value of another observable. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Combination%20Operators/withLatestFrom/app.js
=> zip - combines multiple observable and createa an observable that collets all values emitted by inner observables and emits in a array. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Combination%20Operators/zip/app.js
- Conditional Operators: -> For use-cases that depend on a specific condition to be met, these operators do the trick.
Operators Types:
=> defaultIfEmpty - if an observable emits without any next value, this operator will emits a default value. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Conditional%20Operators/defaultIfEmpty/app.js
=> every - returns an Observable that emits whether or not every item of the source satisfies the condition specified. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Conditional%20Operators/every/app.js
- Creation Operators: -> These operators allow the creation of an observable from nearly anything. From generic to specific use-cases you are free, and encouraged, to turn everything into a stream.
Operators Types:
=> create - Create custom Observable, that does whatever you like, that will execute the specified function when an Observer subscribes to it. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Creation%20Operators/create/app.js
=> empty - creates an observable that emits nothing and immediately emits a complete notification. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Creation%20Operators/empty/app.js
=> from* - Converts almost anything to an Observable. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Creation%20Operators/from/app.js
=> fromEvent - creates an observable from DOM events(mouse clicks or any other events). Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Creation%20Operators/fromEvent/app.js
=> fromPromise* - returns an observable that just emits the promise resolved values and then completes(Converts a Promise to an Observable). Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Creation%20Operators/fromPromise/app.js
=> interval - creates an observable that emits a sequencial numbers in a given time interval. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Creation%20Operators/interval/app.js
=> of* - creates an observable that emits the values which is given as an argument and then completes. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Creation%20Operators/of/app.js
=> range - creates an observable that emits a sequence of numbers for a specified range. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Creation%20Operators/range/app.js
=> throw - creates an observable that emits only errors. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Creation%20Operators/throw/app.js
=> timer - creates an observable that starts emiting a value at specified intial delay and emits ever incresing number as act as an interval. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Creation%20Operators/timer/app.js
- Error Handling Operators: -> Errors are an unfortunate side-effect of development. These operators provide effective ways to gracefully handle errors and retry logic, should they occur.
Operators Types:
=> catch* - handles error in observable sequence. Note: Remember to return an observable from the catch function. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Error%20Handling%20Operators/catch/app.js
=> retry - returns an observable that resubscribes as mentioned number of times when any error occurs. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Error%20Handling%20Operators/retry/app.js
=> retryWhen - returns an observable that resubscribes on custom criteria when any error occurs. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Error%20Handling%20Operators/retryWhen/app.js
- Multicasting Operators: -> In RxJS, observables are cold or unicast by default. These operators can make an observable hot, or multicast, allowing side-effects to be share among multiple subscribers.
Operators Types:
=> publish - Share source and make hot by calling connect. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Multicasting%20Operators/publish/app.js
=> multicast - Share source utilizing the provided Subject. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Multicasting%20Operators/multicast/app.js
=> share* - Share source among multiple subscribers. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Multicasting%20Operators/share/app.js
- Filtering Operators: -> In a push based approach, picking and choosing how and when to accept items is important. These operators provide techniques for accepting values from an observable source and dealing with backpressure.
Operators Types:
=> debounce - emits value from the source observable after a particular time determined by the non sourceable observable. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Filtering%20Operators/debounce/app.js
=> debounceTime* - emits value from the source after a specified time pass without another source observable. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Filtering%20Operators/debounceTime/app.js
=> distinctUntilChanged* - only emits value when the previous typed value is different from urrent value. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Filtering%20Operators/distinctUntilChanged/app.js
=> filter* - emits the values base on the conditions. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Filtering%20Operators/filter/app.js
=> first - emits only the first value emitted from source. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Filtering%20Operators/first/app.js
=> ignoreElements - emits only error and compete datas, it ignores all success values. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Filtering%20Operators/ignoreElements/app.js
=> last - emits the last value emitted from source. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Filtering%20Operators/last/app.js
=> sample - emits the resently emitted value of the observable whenever the another observable emits. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Filtering%20Operators/sample/app.js
=> single - returns an observable that emits a first value based on specific condition, If the result has more than one it throws an error "Uncaught Sequence contains more than one element". Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Filtering%20Operators/single/app.js
=> skip - Returns an Observable that skips the first count items emitted by the source Observable. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Filtering%20Operators/skip/app.js
=> skipUntil - returns an observable that skips the values emited by source until the second observable emits. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Filtering%20Operators/skipUntil/app.js
=> skipWhile - returns an observable that skips the values emited from the source until the condition holds true. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Filtering%20Operators/skipWhile/app.js
=> take* - Takes the first count values from the source, then completes. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Filtering%20Operators/take/app.js
=> takeUntil* - Emits the values emitted by the source Observable until a notifier Observable emits a value. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Filtering%20Operators/takeUntil/app.js
=> takeWhile - Emit values until provided expression is false. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Filtering%20Operators/takeWhile/app.js
=> throttle - It's like throttleTime, but the silencing duration is determined by a second Observable. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Filtering%20Operators/throttle/app.js
=> throttleTime - Emit latest value when specified duration has passed. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Filtering%20Operators/throttleTime/app.js
- Transformation Operators -> Transforming values as they pass through the operator chain is a common task. These operators provide transformation techniques for nearly any use-case you will encounter.
Operators types:
=> buffer - retrns an observable that collects values from source and then it emits the values when another observable emits Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Transformation%20Operators/buffer/app.js
=> bufferCount - Collects values from the source observable, and emits that array only when its size reaches bufferSize. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Transformation%20Operators/bufferCount/app.js
=> bufferTime* - Collects values from the source observable, and emits those arrays periodically in time. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Transformation%20Operators/bufferTime/app.js
=> bufferToggle - collects values from the source Observable starting from an emission from openings and ending when the output of closingSelector emits. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Transformation%20Operators/bufferToggle/app.js
=> bufferWhen - collects values from source observable until closing observable emits and emits the values. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Transformation%20Operators/bufferWhen/app.js
=> concatMap - Maps each value to an Observable, then flattens all of these inner Observables using concatAll. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Transformation%20Operators/concatMap/app.js
=> concatMapTo - same like concatMap, but maps each values to the same inner observable. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Transformation%20Operators/concatMapTo/app.js
=> exhaustMap - Maps each value to an Observable, then flattens all of these inner Observables using exhaust. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Transformation%20Operators/exhaustMap/app.js
=> expand - It's similar to mergeMap, but applies the projection function to every source value as well as every output value. It's recursive. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Transformation%20Operators/expand/app.js
=> groupBy - Group into observables based on provided value. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Transformation%20Operators/groupBy/app.js
=> map - Applies a given project function to each value emitted by the source Observable, and emits the resulting values as an Observable. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Transformation%20Operators/map/app.js
=> mapTo - Like map, but it maps every source value to the same output value every time. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Transformation%20Operators/mapTo/app.js
=> mergeMap - Map to observable, emit values. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Transformation%20Operators/mergeMap/app.js
=> partition - Split one observable into two based on provided predicate. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Transformation%20Operators/partition/app.js
=> pluck - Select particular properties to emit. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Transformation%20Operators/pluck/app.js
=> reduce - Reduces the values from source observable to a single value that's emitted when the source completes. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Transformation%20Operators/reduce/app.js
=> scan - It's like reduce, but emits the current accumulation whenever the source emits a value. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Transformation%20Operators/scan/app.js
=> switchMap - Projects each source value to an Observable which is merged in the output Observable, emitting values only from the most recently projected Observable. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Transformation%20Operators/switchMap/app.js
=> window - It's like buffer, but emits a nested Observable instead of an array. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Transformation%20Operators/window/app.js
=> windowCount - It's like bufferCount, but emits a nested Observable instead of an array. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Transformation%20Operators/windowCount/app.js
=> windowTime - Observable of values collected from source for each provided time span. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Transformation%20Operators/windowTime/app.js
=> windowToggle - It's like bufferToggle, but emits a nested Observable instead of an array. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Transformation%20Operators/windowToggle/app.js
=> windowWhen - It's like bufferWhen, but emits a nested Observable instead of an array. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Transformation%20Operators/windowWhen/app.js
- Utility Operators -> From logging, handling notifications, to setting up schedulers, these operators provide helpful utilities in your observable toolkit.
Operators Types:
=> do - perform actions or side-effects, such as logging. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Utility%20Operators/do/app.js
=> delay - Delay emitted values by given time. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Utility%20Operators/delay/app.js
=> delayWhen - Delay emitted values determined by provided function. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Utility%20Operators/delayWhen/app.js
=> dematerialize - Converts an Observable of Notification objects into the emissions that they represent. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Utility%20Operators/dematerialize/app.js
=> let - let me have whole observable Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Utility%20Operators/let/app.js
=> toPromise - Convert observable to promise. Ex: https://github.com/Prince7195/rxjs-learning/tree/master/Utility%20Operators/toPromise/app.js