Currently Working as Senior Software Engineer at Coforge & previously worked as Application Development Analyst(Software Engineer) at Accenture & POD lead of 6 members team, Worked with Product managers and clients in North American and European regions almost 39+ different countries. Appian Certified Developer. Developer Program Member at GitHub -> IBM Certified Data scientist🌟-> Machine Learning,AI,C,JAVA🌟- Full Stack Developer💻 & Ex Wipro. IoT Developer🌟-> Data science🌟-> Fast Learner☀️🥇🏆
✔ M.E Communication System -> M.E CS (9.03 out of 10 CGPA)👨🎓
✔ B.E Electronics and Communications Engineering -> B.E ECE (9.28 out of 10 CGPA)👨🎓
I'm Vigneshkumar Radhakrishnan! I'm looking for challenging role and completed 200+ certification courses in IoT, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Chat Bot creation and Certified by University of Washington, Stanford University, University of Michigan, University of California, Google, IBM., looking to solve real-world problems🌏. I'm passionate about making open-source more accessible, creating software:computer: and tools to help people, and building a community. Do 🌟 my repository if you find my project interesting, at least your star could make someone's day 😄.
✔ LeetCode(310+ problems solved):
✔ HackerRank (12,000+ points) :
✔ GeeksForGeeks ( GFG ) :
⚡Feel free to contact me : [email protected] (email id)📩📧
⚡Salesforce profile👨🎓:
⚡GitHub profile👨🎓:
⚡Coursera profile👨🎓:
I love connecting with different people so if you want to say hi, I'll be happy to meet you more! 😊
- 🌱 I’m currently learning advance AI, ML, Java, IoT and Full Stack Development
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on improving knowledge and skills
- 🤔 I’m looking for jobs with any roles and any domains
- 💬 Ask me about Anything
- 📫 How to reach me: LinkedIn Profile
- 😄 Strength: Active learner and good in time management
- ⚡ Weakness: Work cotinously independent of work hours
Since the world is in the quarantine stage:earth_asia:, and I’m having lots of spare time:watch:, I decided to take this time focusing on feeding more knowledge:books: to myself. I set a couple of self-challenges in order to push myself more further.:running:
- Learn to code:man_technologist: 5-6 hours a day with no distraction ( One or two day off a week. )
- Avoid spending too much time on Youtube Entertainment:skull_and_crossbones:
- Spending more time in Coursera, Udemy, developing simple project,...
- Adapting the minimalism life style
- Achieved Certification on Council of Europe Level A2 offered by Cambridge University, London.
- Completed Certification course entitled as Java Programming certified by Duke University. North Carolina.
- Completed Certification course entitled as Object Oriented Programming certified by UCSanDiego, California.
- Completed Certification course entitled as Machine Learning certified by Stanford University, California.
- Completed Certification course entitled as Diploma in Desktop Publishing (DDTP) by CSC, Ponnamaravathi.
- Completed Certification course entitled as Hello Bot: Introduction to RPA certified by Automation Anywhere team.
- Completed Professional certification course entitled as IBM Certified Data Scientist [ Credential id: S4TWWGBF9F5H]
- Project Name: IoT based intelligent Gas Leakage Detection and Leak Point Location system
- Tools used: Arduino IDE, IBM Watson IoT Platform, Node-Red, IBM IoT sensor.
- Description: In hardware, the components are MQ2 sensor, Arduino Uno, ESP8266, GSM module. Created the IoT devices in cloud such as WIFI Module, Microcontroller and other circuit elements. Connected the devices via API and created UI for real-time monitoring. Used to increase the security and safety measures.
- Project Name: Fake currency identification using MATLAB and Image processing techniques
- Tools used: MATLAB and Watson AutoAI.
- Description: Created a model and trained with set of original and duplicate images of currency using image processing. Comparing the input image with original image’s threshold value. If it matches, print the input image is original else print input image is duplicate. Used to detect the duplicate currency during monetization.
- Project Name: Future Rate of Bitcoin Prediciton using Machine Learning Model
- Tools used: Jupter notebook and anaconda environment
- Description: Getting the data from authorized website, Pre process the data depends on the function, applied the processed dataset into the functions and plot the Predicted graph.
- Published research paper in International Research Journal entitled as IOT BASED INTELLIGENT GAS LEAKPOINT DETECTING AND LOCATING SYSTEM, journal named as International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science (IRJMETS), Volume 2, Issue 5, May 2020. [Paper ID: IRJMETS40561]
- Published reearch paper in International Research Journal entitled as Future Price of Bit Coin Prediction Using Machine Learning Model in International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM) IJARESM – Volume: 9, Issue 2 | Feb 2021; ISSN: 2455-6211; Impact Factor: 7.429
1) Role: Developer Program Member
- Company: Github, Virtual
- Durations: Jan 2021 - Present
✔Pro in GitHub
✔Arctic Code Vault Contributoring techniques
2) Role: Campus Ambassador
- Company: Smart Knower
- Durations: Jan 2020 - Present
Arranging Training and internship for students like development programs in both Technical training and Soft skill training.
Domains like
✔ Artificial Intelligence ( AI ),
✔ Machine Learning ( ML ),
✔ Internet of Things ( IoT ),
✔ Web development,
✔ BI
✔ Data science
3) Role: Software Engineer Trainee
- Company: Uddalaka Digitech Pvt Ltd
- Durations: Jun 2020 - Sep 2020
Self Learning and Worked in
✔ Microsoft Azure
✔ Studio Azure ML
✔ HTML, CSS, JavaScript
✔ Cpanel
✔ Hosting website
✔ Windows App Studio
4) Role: IoT developer
- Company: SmartInternz
- Durations: Apr 2020 - Jun 2020
Worked in
✔ IBM Cloud
✔ Watson Platform
✔ IoT Watson Platform
✔ Jupter Notebook
✔ Node Red
✔ UI
✔ HTML, CSS, JavaScript
✔ Database ( IBM DB2 with Read and Write SQL )
✔ Python
✔ json files accessing
- Getting good job with more knowledge gaining opportunities.
- Sharing knowledge with others.
- Helping the people who have struggling for living.
🌱 Personal website
Got number 1 in google search (From the search result of 20,000+ , I'm the number ONE(1)🤩🤩 out of 20,000+🤩🤩)
Type " vigneshkumar radhakrishnan " (without quotes) in google and get my profile in first link