Getting started
- sperf will fail to run on version 0.5.x - please update to a more recent version (tested against 0.6.5 and 0.6.6)
- Make opening wrapped info in new window a choice
- Source config info from separate file Todo:
- For sperf solr, add an input parameter
- Test vs OSS diag collector
- Text wrapping makes it hard to read but cannot be solved in current HTML frames. Refactor to HTML5 may be necessary
- Set nibbler in silent mode (current view help see parsing issues) - to be discussed with Mike/Chun?
- while still implementing and making sure it can run on WSL, Mac and Linux seamlessly, in case of issue, please
rm -r <path to diag>/wrapper
- switch
If more info is required, please provide:bash -xv <path>/ <path to diag>
ie:bash -xv ~/dev/supportWrapper/ ./diagnostics\ \(1\) > ~/wrapper.log 2>&1
, change the following variables to fit your environment.
All of them are self explanatory.
Path to java for Nibbler, path to Python 3 for sperf + location of the tools...
Also define your favorite web browser (firefox, chrome, edge...)
# WARNING: If your path contains spaces/brackets, put the variable in double quotes.
# ie: nibblerpath="/mnt/c/Users/My User/Nibbler.jar"
# browser="/mnt/c/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft/Edge/Application/msedge.exe"
1- Validate functionality of the tool without alias:
<path>/ <path to diag>
Create an alias for supportWrapper after validation by adding the following to your bashrc
ie: alias swrap='~/supportWrapper/'
Run swrap <path to opsc diag>
The script can be executed from one or two levels above the nodes folder of the diag. As I use ssdownloader, I prefer to use the "top" level of the diag, but both can be used.
A folder called "wrapper" is created in the working dir (the diag folder choosen), which contains the sperf output as well as the html.
Below a sample of the execution result.
(py3) [2020-10-16 18:24:01] romain@datastax:~
$ ls -ltr "/home/romain/zd/customer/<zdid>/diagnostics (3)"
total 12
drwxrwxr-x 4 romain romain 4096 Oct 12 11:12 my-diagnostics-2020_10_12_09_04_56_UTC
(py3) [2020-10-16 18:16:32] romain@romainDSE:~/dev/wrapperOneTool
$ "/home/romain/zd/customer/<zdid>/diagnostics (3)"
Nibbler running
Nibbler v3.0.2 is Started from CLI
*** Step 1/4 - Initiating Nibbler
Execution Time: 1 milliseconds
*** Step 2/4 - Reading OPSC Diag
Execution Time: 3223 milliseconds
*** Step 3/4 - Analysing OPSC Diag
Execution Time: 21 milliseconds
*** Step 4/4 - Outputting Analyzed Result
- Outputting Analyzed Result to Files
** Saving Nibbler output files to: /home/romain/customer/<zdid>/diagnostics (3)/Nibbler/
Execution Time: 3 milliseconds
Total Execution time in Milliseconds: 3248 - 100.00%
-- Initiating Time in Milliseconds: 1 - 0.03%
-- Read OPSC Diag Time in Milliseconds: 3223 - 99.23%
-- Analyze OPSC Diag time in Milliseconds: 21 - 0.65%
-- Terminal Output time in Milliseconds: 0 - 0.00%
-- File Output time in Milliseconds: 3 - 0.09%
Sperf summary
Sperf GC analysis
Sperf StatusLogger
Sperf Slow Query
Sperf Schema
- Handling of relative path
- Implement debug - (in progress)
- Opening the web browser from WSL is challenging at best. Need to detect windows and output file location for windows without executing the browser
- Simplify opscdiag/opscpath/subdiag kerfuffle to make the code easier to read