Releases: vertigobr/vkpr-cli
fix(prometheus-stack) fix prometheus-stack formula references from lo…
feat(postgresql) update postresql formula to estimate the volume of p…
update kong and postgresql charts version
fix label from kong basic auth secret
update kong image and new pattern from env admin_api_uri to admin_gui…
fix(prometheus) fixing namespace creation before applying homepage configmap
addin values to fix promethus-node-exporter starting containter
adding debug on infra start
update prometheus and loki chart's version
feat(kong)changing path of kong api and manager applications
fix(kong) fixing proxy secret creation on dryRun
feat(kong) remove kong's portal values on chart's instalation
fix loki check to installation on prometheus
feat(otel) adding diff option to check if there is an application update
feat(kong) adding existing external database reference option in kong installation
feat(vaul)t diff
feat(kong) externalDb env fix
Add new checkglobal in Devportal Stack
Fix datasource Jaeger integration Grafana
Include Namespace Instrumentation selector in OTEL Stack
add devportal vkpr apply
fix mockserver
Merge pull request #151 from vertigobr/stage Stage
fix(kong) fix manager and api ingress hosts
feat(kong) adding basic auth check in kong formula,
fix(apply) ingress function removed on apply and nginx added
feat(kong) adding basic auth check in kong formula,
fix(apply) ingress function removed on apply and nginx added
feat(ArgoCD) updating chart version
feat(CertManager) updating chart version
feat(Consul) updating chart version
fix(Github Parameter) - installation instruction if error occurs (Python).
fix(init) adding check sudo for docker usage