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vernesong edited this page Jan 30, 2020 · 10 revisions

  • 在配置文件页面您可以上传、修改、下载、切换配置文件,并提供标准模板供您参考
  • 支持在此上传代理集配置文件
  • OpenClash 使用yaml格式(兼容yml格式)的配置文件,上传时请重命名为config.yaml或者config.yml
  • 配置文件的组成主要分为:基本设置、服务器信息、服务器分组信息、规则(对应服务器分组),各个部分顺序不可调换,否则会造成OpenClash功能异常
# 此部分您可直接覆盖到配置文件,无需更改

# port of HTTP
port: 7890 # 此项将被接管

# port of SOCKS5
socks-port: 7891 # 此项将被接管

# redir port for Linux and macOS
redir-port: 7892 # 此项将被接管

allow-lan: true # 此项将被接管为true

# Only applicable when setting allow-lan to true
# "*": bind all IP addresses
# bind a single IPv4 address
# "[aaaa::a8aa:ff:fe09:57d8]": bind a single IPv6 address
bind-address: "*" # HTTP(S)\SOCKS5 监听地址,此项将被接管为all

# Rule / Global/ Direct (default is Rule)
mode: Rule

# set log level to stdout (default is info)
# info / warning / error / debug / silent
log-level: info

# A RESTful API for clash
external-controller: # 此项将被接管

# you can put the static web resource (such as clash-dashboard) to a directory, and clash would serve in `${API}/ui`
# input is a relative path to the configuration directory or an absolute path
external-ui: "/usr/share/openclash/dashboard" # 此项将被接管

# Secret for RESTful API (Optional)
secret: '123456' # 此项将被接管

# experimental feature
  ignore-resolve-fail: true # ignore dns resolve fail, default value is true

# authentication of local SOCKS5/HTTP(S) server
authentication: # 此项将被接管
  - "user1:pass1"
  - "user2:pass2"

# # experimental hosts, support wildcard (e.g. * Even *.foo.*
# # static domain has a higher priority than wildcard domain ( > *
#'': '::1'

dns:  # 如订阅配置无包括此项的所有DNS设置,OpenClash将自动添加
  enable: true # set true to enable dns (default is false) # 此项将被接管为true
  ipv6: false # default is false # 此项将被接管
  listen: # 端口为53时将被接管为7874
  enhanced-mode: redir-host # or fake-ip # 此项将被接管
  fake-ip-range: # if you don't know what it is, don't change it # 此项将被接管
  - # dns over https
  fallback: # concurrent request with nameserver, fallback used when GEOIP country isn't CN
  - tcp://
    geoip: true # default
    ipcidr: # ips in these subnets will be considered polluted

# Openclash 不会对下方服务器设置进行任何更改,请确保设置正确

proxy-provider: # 代理集信息,此部分与下方【Proxy】二者不能同时为空
    type: http
    path: ./proxy_provider/iplc.yaml # 代理集文件路径,在【服务器与策略组管理】页面添加代理集时无需设置此项
    url: ...
    interval: 3600
      enable: true
      interval: 300


# shadowsocks
# The supported ciphers(encrypt methods):
#   aes-128-gcm aes-192-gcm aes-256-gcm
#   aes-128-cfb aes-192-cfb aes-256-cfb
#   aes-128-ctr aes-192-ctr aes-256-ctr
#   rc4-md5 chacha20 chacha20-ietf xchacha20
#   chacha20-ietf-poly1305 xchacha20-ietf-poly1305
- { name: "ss1", type: ss, server: server, port: 443, cipher: chacha20-ietf-poly1305, password: "password", udp: true }

# old obfs configuration remove after prerelease
- name: "ss2"
  type: ss
  server: server
  port: 443
  cipher: chacha20-ietf-poly1305
  password: "password"
  plugin: obfs
    mode: tls # or http
    # host:

- name: "ss3"
  type: ss
  server: server
  port: 443
  cipher: chacha20-ietf-poly1305
  password: "password"
  plugin: v2ray-plugin
    mode: websocket # no QUIC now
    # tls: true # wss
    # skip-cert-verify: true
    # host:
    # path: "/"
    # headers:
    #   custom: value

# vmess
# cipher support auto/aes-128-gcm/chacha20-poly1305/none
- { name: "vmess", type: vmess, server: server, port: 443, uuid: uuid, alterId: 32, cipher: auto }
# with tls
- { name: "vmess", type: vmess, server: server, port: 443, uuid: uuid, alterId: 32, cipher: auto, tls: true }
# with tls and skip-cert-verify
- { name: "vmess", type: vmess, server: server, port: 443, uuid: uuid, alterId: 32, cipher: auto, tls: true, skip-cert-verify: true }
# with ws-path and ws-headers
- { name: "vmess", type: vmess, server: server, port: 443, uuid: uuid, alterId: 32, cipher: auto, network: ws, ws-path: /path, ws-headers: { Host: } }
# with ws + tls
- { name: "vmess", type: vmess, server: server, port: 443, uuid: uuid, alterId: 32, cipher: auto, network: ws, ws-path: /path, tls: true }

# socks5
- { name: "socks", type: socks5, server: server, port: 443 }
# socks5 with authentication
- { name: "socks", type: socks5, server: server, port: 443, username: "username", password: "password" }
# with tls
- { name: "socks", type: socks5, server: server, port: 443, tls: true }
# with tls and skip-cert-verify
- { name: "socks", type: socks5, server: server, port: 443, tls: true, skip-cert-verify: true }

# http
- { name: "http", type: http, server: server, port: 443 }
# http with authentication
- { name: "http", type: http, server: server, port: 443, username: "username", password: "password" }
# with tls (https)
- { name: "http", type: http, server: server, port: 443, tls: true }
# with tls (https) and skip-cert-verify
- { name: "http", type: http, server: server, port: 443, tls: true, skip-cert-verify: true }

# Openclash 不会对下方策略组设置进行任何更改,请确保设置正确

Proxy Group: # 服务器策略组信息,此参数必须保留,不能删除

# url-test select which proxy will be used by benchmarking speed to a URL.
- { name: "auto", type: url-test, proxies: ["ss1", "ss2", "vmess1"], url: "", interval: 300 }

# fallback select an available policy by priority. The availability is tested by accessing an URL, just like an auto url-test group.
- { name: "fallback-auto", type: fallback, proxies: ["ss1", "ss2", "vmess1"], url: "", interval: 300 }

# load-balance: The request of the same eTLD will be dial on the same proxy.
- { name: "load-balance", type: load-balance, proxies: ["ss1", "ss2", "vmess1"], url: "", interval: 300 }

# select is used for selecting proxy or proxy group
# you can use RESTful API to switch proxy, is recommended for use in GUI.
- { name: "Proxy", type: select, proxies: ["ss1", "ss2", "vmess1", "auto"] }

Rule: # 规则设置,此参数必须保留,不能删除

# 如果您将一直使用第三方规则,下方可以留空。
- DOMAIN-KEYWORD,google,auto
- DOMAIN,,auto
# rename SOURCE-IP-CIDR and would remove after prerelease
# FINAL would remove after prerelease
# you also can use `FINAL,Proxy` or `FINAL,,Proxy` now
- MATCH,auto






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