Up to date with XCode 11 and the SceneDelegate.swift file.
If you are tired cleaning your project and removing the Storyboard everytime you want to start a Programmatic UIKit project then this template is your time saver.
Just download the complete template folder.
Go to '~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Templates/'
Create a new folder call it whatever you like for example: "My Templates"
Unzip the downloaded Single View App.xctemplate into the created folder.
Your folder structure should be as follows:
----| -Library
--------| -Developer
------------| -Xcode
----------------| -Templates
--------------------| -YourTemplateFolderName
------------------------| -Single View App.xctemplate
See the demo below. Once you install it it will be available at the bottom of your Xcode app templates with your chosen folder name. Just select your custom template. In Programmatic-UIKit option you are able to set your default ViewController's name and you can also embed it in a NavigationController. In Storyboard and SwiftUI those options are disabled.
There is a possibility to include your own files in the project and your own custom icons, Assets, predefined implementations of ViewControllers. Please see 'Custom App.xctemplate' and its 'TemplateInfo.plist' file where
Path to Default Xcode Templates:
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Library/Xcode/Templates/Project Templates