To use this app, please install and enable the CORS Everywhere extension:
- For Firefox: CORS Everywhere - Firefox Add-on
- For Chrome: Allow CORS - Chrome Extension
This is needed to bypass CORS restrictions when accessing APIs from different origins.
(View Live)[]
Redux Toolkit
- dispatch, selector, action, reducer
- useSelector hook
- Outlet for dynamic child component rendering
- React router DOM library for routing
- useSearchParams hook
YouTube Data API
Modular code structure
vite toolkit
Youtube search suggestions API
Nested comments using Recursion in comments component.
Debounced search bar
- Infinite live chat (performant) mimicing polling
- Lazy loading
- Responsive
- Infinite live chat
- Conditional rendering
- Caching using Redux store
- Quick development experience with TailWindCSS shorthand specification and no need to switch files, made in 3 days
- 66ms fast loading time
- Optimize Redux Store Usage efficient subscription to slices
setTimeout, clearTimeout
useEffect hook, useState hook
Tailwind CSS
Caching using Redux store (sidebar toggle logic)
State, props
Lazy loading
Quick development experience with TailWindCSS shorthand specification and no need to switch files, made in 3 days
66ms fast loading time Optimize Redux Store Usage
Config driven UI