- atomic-number.pdf: step by step description to complete the project.
- run_1.zip to run10.zip: dataset to use in the project.
- mp4: a folder containing different movies displaying brownian motion of beads in water.
- beads-run_1.txt and displacements-run_1.txt: sample outputs for this project.
- this project is about proccesing consecutive frames of bead molecules among
- water molecules and recognize beads from water and find their movement in small
- gaps of time in consecutive frames and use scientific formulas to estimate
- avagrado Number with a good accuracy.
python beadtracker.py 25 180.0 25.0 run_1/*.jpg | python avagrado.py
for final result. -
in command above first argument is name of our file. second one (25) is min pixels that considered as bead.
third command is brightness that a pixel has to be considered as bead pixel.
fourth is maximum distance that we accept as movement in two consecutive frame for a bead molecule.
fifth is the folder we want to use for calculation.
feel free to change all them except first one.
if you want to see just movements use command
python beadtracker.py 25 180.0 25.0 run_1/*.jpg
and ofcourse feel free to fork and maybe do it yourself 😉