Welcome to the repository for the book Introduction to Programming in Python. This book is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to Python programming, covering fundamental concepts and practical applications.
The book is organized into two main parts: Main Part and Offtopic. Below is a detailed list of the chapters included in each part:
- Introduction
- Variables and Data Types
- Control Flow
- Lists and Tuples
- Strings
- 2D Lists, Dictionaries and Sets
- Functions
- Modules and Packages
- Regular Expressions
- File Handling
- Object-Oriented Programming: Classes
- Object-Oriented Programming: Inheritance
- Exceptions
- Iterators
- Functional Programming
If you have suggestions for improvements or additional content, feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue. Contributions are welcome!
This book is licensed under the MIT License.
For any questions or feedback, you can reach out to the author at [email protected].
Happy coding! 🚀