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Releases: vbfox/stidgen


17 Apr 15:01
Choose a tag to compare

Build with net5.0
Update roslyn to a more recent version


17 Aug 22:37
Choose a tag to compare

Make it a dotnet core tool
Optimize interned strings equality and GetHashCode.
This can be dangerous if the type is extended and a new constructor is added that doesn't
do interning but the performance gains in access to dictionary and hashtables are worth it.


05 May 15:10
Choose a tag to compare

Use FParsec to parse the configuration
Use BlackFox.ColoredPrintf instead of an internal solution
Implement IComparable
Add [DebuggerDisplayAttribute] to the generated types


26 Feb 10:52
Choose a tag to compare
  • Fix 'Check' methods being unusable.
    Issue #38
  • Lift System.IFormattable


15 Oct 11:55
Choose a tag to compare

Add an option to enable DataContract serialization.
Issue #37


21 Sep 12:32
Choose a tag to compare
  • Predefined types like int are now compared with their operators instead
    of relying on Equals.
    Issue #36.
  • BUGFIX: Correct code is now generated for != on underlying types that
    don't have a != operator.
    Issue #35.


08 Sep 17:42
Choose a tag to compare
  • Static methods Parse and TryParse are lifted.
  • A variant of TryParse returning a nullable instead of using an out
    parameter is generated if TryParse exists.
  • Types can now be placed in the same file and the default is to place them
    all in a file named as the .stidgen file but with a .Generated.cs extension.
  • The previous behavior is available by specifying UseNameAsFileName: true.
  • Added a more complete set of unit tests.
  • Multiple files can now be passed to the command line.
  • The command line now support globs like **\*.stidgen.
  • Generated files and types are now shown on the console.
  • BUGFIX: Generic underlying types weren't correctly handled, the name was
    the FullName of the Type instead of C# code.
  • BUGFIX: Casts to and from nullable were still generated for Nullable
    underlying resulting in invalid code.
  • BUGFIX: EqualsUnderlying: true generated code for .Equals but didn't
    generate the == and != operators.