SailfishOS Client for EAWS Avalanche Bulletins.
Screenshots are available here.
pyAvaCore - download and parse EAWS avalanche bulletins
The Python core of avaRisk - pyAvaCore - moved to an external repository at PyAvaCore is used to download and parse the avalanche bulletins from the different warning services in a common object. From Version 0.8 the Python-Code will be used from this project. Core component development and adding new Regions will be tracked there.
- avaRisk can be found and installed from openrepos. (
- avaRisk can be found and installed from the Jolla Store/Sailfish Harbour. (
At the moment the following regions are supported:
- AT Tirol ( (EN/DE)
- AT Kärnten ( (DE)
- AT Oberöstereich ( (DE)
- AT Niederösterreich ( (DE)
- AT Salzburg ( (EN/DE)
- AT Styria ( (EN/DE)
- AT Vorarlberg ( (EN/DE)
- CH (including FL) ( (EN/DE)
- DE Bavaria ( (EN/DE)
- ES Val d'Aran ( (EN/DE)
- IT Bolzano ( (EN/DE)
- IT Trentino ( (EN/DE)
- Slovenia: Some or all regions want to partitipate in "CROSSRISK" ( I'll get the XML-URIs as soon as they are available and the Implement the regions.
- IT Veneto: ( (Not CAAML-Compatible)
- Finnland: answered on 2020-12-22 not to have an open api. Publication is here: Open Datasets of this provider can be found here:
For other Regions (in Europe) I need local help to figure out if the local Avalanche Warning Service releases an XML in the CAAML-Format ( Then I need the Link to the XML (if available also for different Languages) and the names of all the "micro regions" that are served in that bulletin/XML. This is normally an ID and a Name (e.g. from TYROL: "AT-07-08" - "Zentrale Lechtaler Alpen", can be found here:
For Tyrol, South Tirol, Trentino and Val d'Aran the Bulletins are available in much more language versions (ES, FR, IT, CA and OC). But I'm not able to translate the App to these Languages. So if someone can translate the Translation-Strings it is possible to make full localized versions of those languages for the named regions. The region names for the sub regions also could be translated. The names can be found here: and for Val d'Aran here: If someone want to help with a translation please create an Issue. I'm happy to support for any kind of questions.
Translation is done on Transifex: Englisch is 'Englisch_US', Source language is set to 'Englisch' but in fact has the local names of all the regions.
Licensed under GNU GPLv3
Assets have been taken from / It is great, that they started with providing high quality Avalanche Risk Assessments in a common open format in the international ALBINA project. Many thanks to the "CROSSRISK" project partners (in particular ZAMG for providing unifyed data at Big thanks to all the Avalanche Warning Services who provide the data open and for the great work they do and EAWS ( for the standardization efforts.