This is a script for deploying dataporten authentication for galaxy via apache httpd / openidc.
You need to have the dataporten openid information ready. For development instances, you can do this yourself. On, you will need to register an application. After registering, you will find the Client ID and Secret ID under OAuth credentials. For production, this should be ordered as UiO.
The important fields are:
This is a url only for contact between the httpd server and dataporten. The domain name has to be the exactly same domain name that are used for the service.
https://[domain name]/callback
for example:
Select which providers the portal will use.
Should be set to:
- E-post
- OpenID Connect
- Profilinfo
- Bruker-ID
For portals maintained by FT, FT should be added as an administrator.
This is not necessary for development instances.
The database information from the galaxy-register service and the service name (for example lifeportal)
A page for redirecting under maintenance should be set. For Lifeportal, this is the operational log:
The script downloads and installs the rpm packages for mod_auth_openidc.
To accept login for only certain users under a maintenance stop, set maintenance_stop to yes in /etc/galaxy_email.cfg and restart httpd.
- Creation of SSL keys and correct placement of these