Simple text-to-speech tool for tamil. This tool uses code from open source android app developed by donlab
$ git clone [email protected]:men-tamil/flite_hts_tamil.git
$ cd flite_hts_tamil
$ make
$ cd flite_hts_tamil
$ echo "வணக்கம்" | src/flite_tts_tamil -m asserts/naveen_tamil.htsvoice -o output.wav
$ gst-play output.wav
- htk - implementation of hidden markov model
- hts - speech synthesis on top of htk
- flite - a fast speech synthesizer on top of htk
- flitevox voice files - voice files for flite.
- festvox - voice file generation for festvox.
- comparison of open source text recognition toolkits - contains details about popular open source tts toolkits
- kaldi - alternative to htk