This is a project done for the fall 2018 COMP 479 - Information Retrieval course in Concordia University. The goal of the project was to analyze Reuters documents from a bunch of files by tokenizing the documents, subsequently constructing an index containing terms and their corresponding postings lists.
The Reuters files can be downloaded here, though the program will download them for you once run (if they're not already available in the root directory of the project).
The following Python packages are required to run the program:
Click here for the specific versions of the packages used for this project.
Or just run it with Docker.
I also included a Dockerfile to make it easier to run on any machine. First, make sure you cd
into this repository.
To build the image and start up a container:
docker image build -t spimi .
docker container run -it --name spimi-demo spimi bash
This will take you to an interactive Bash terminal, from which you can run the script. You can include the --rm
option in the run
command to automatically remove the container when you exit out of it.
The file to run is in the src/
python3 [-d DOCS_PER_BLOCK]
[-r {1, 2, 3, ..., 22}]
[-rs] [-s] [-c] [-rn]
optional arguments:
-d, --docs number of documents per block (default 500)
-r, --reuters number of Reuters files to parse (1-22) (default 22)
-rs, --remove-stopwords remove stopwords from the index
-s, --stem stem terms in the index
-c, --case-folding reduce terms in the index to lowercase
-rn, --remove-numbers remove numbers from the index
-a, --all use options -rs, -s, -c, and -rn
Generated files will appear in the root directory of the repository.
- Vartan Benohanian - ID: 27492049
A project report showcasing a more detailed description of the SPIMI is available here.
The one showcasing the Okapi BM ranking function can be viewed here.
The Expectations of Originality form is available here.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.