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User guide

andiandi13 edited this page Sep 10, 2018 · 37 revisions


  1. Settings
  2. Shuffle and Random modes
  3. Tips and Tricks

1. Settings


  • Equalizer

This option will use the stock equalizer from your Android device and apply sound effects to songs in Vanilla Music.

  • ReplayGain

Use the 'ReplayGain' written in file tag to normalize volume of tracks.

  • Volume during notification

Set the volume of the playing track while a notification play at the same time.

If you tick the 'Keep playing on permanent audio focus loss' box, the current playing track won't stop playing if another media is played on the device (a video, music from another player...). The track will be played at the playback volume chosen above.

  • Headset/Bluetooth controls

Allow you to display basic controls on your lockscreen (Previous - Play/Pause - Next), but also to respond to headset and Bluetooth devices buttons.

  • Headset control beep

Play a 'beep' song when you change track by a double click on the Pause button of your headset.

  • External output only

Prevent music from being played through the internal speakers. You must plug something to your jack or connect an external Bluetooth speaker to play music.

  • Pause when unplugged

Pause when the headphones are unplugged. Note that if you deactivate this option, the track will continue playing through the speakers even if 'External output only' is activated.

Playback screen

  • Open on startup

Always open now playing screen while starting Vanilla Music or when coming back to it.

  • Display mode

Determine where basic tag (Title/Album/Artist) should be displayed : Above the seekbar on top, at the middle of the cover or at bottom.

  • Swipe up action

Associate an action with a swipe up gesture on the cover.

  • Swipe down action

Associate an action with a swipe down gesture on the cover.

  • Cover tap action

Associate an action with a single press on the cover.

  • Cover long press action

Associate an action with a long press on the cover.

Library screen

  • Tab order

Adjust the order and visibility of library tabs

  • Default action

Set an action by default while touching a track.

  • Default playlist action

Set an action by default while touching a track inside a playlist.

  • Scroll to track title

Warp to the current playing track, album or artist (depending on which tab/library is displayed) on song change.

  • Scroll to track title in queue

Warp to the current playing track in the queue on song change if the played song is outside the view. The playing track will be displayed at the top of the list.

  • Filebrowser home

Select a home directory for File tab. While navigating through your device in File tab, you can come back to your home directory by pressing the 3-dot menu > Home directory.


  • Notification visibility

You can choose to always show the notification even when there isn't any track playing, or to show it only while a track is playing.

  • Notification action

Choose an action when you tap the notification.

  • Very verbose notification

Display a quick notification in the notification bar each time you change a track.

Accelerometer shake

Associate an action with device shake while a music is playing.

Cover art

  • Load artwork from folder

Vanilla can load .jpg or .png file to display it as a cover art for an album. If there are multiple images in a folder, the priority is for images named 'cover', then 'album', and otherwise 'artwork.jpg'. Note that a .jpg file will always be preferred over a .png file unless the png has a name with an higher priority.

  • Load artwork from hidden folder

Try to load artwork from '/sdcard/Music/.vanilla/ARTIST/ALBUM.jpg'.

  • Load artwork from Android

The default Android media library automatically import embedded cover art from audio files (generally saved in /Android/data/ Vanilla can load these images from the system library. Check this box if you want to display album art which come from the file.

  • Load artwork from file tags

Vanilla can load artwork directly from the music file's tag (e.g ID3 Tag) without going through Android media library.

  • Show artwork on lockscreen

Display the artwork of the currently playing track on the lockscreen

Miscellaneous features

  • Disable lockscreen

Disable the lockscreen when playback screen or library screen are displayed. Power button will directly open Vanilla Music instead of the lockscreen.

  • Keep screen on

Keep the device and screen awake when Vanilla Music is visible. The screen won't be dimmed or off even if a timer is set in Android.

  • Enable idle timeout

Pause music playback after a set time if no actions are done in Vanilla Music during that period.

Timer is restarted if you exit Playback screen or the app, or if you pause/play the music. Other actions in Vanilla (shuffle/random modes, show queue...) won't affect the timer.

  • Double tap widget

Open Vanilla when double-taping the 1x1 widget. Widget actions will be delayed by 400ms.

  • Use Scrobble Droid API

Scrobble your playing tracks through 'Scrobble Droid' or 'Simple Scrobbler' apps.

  • Emulate stock broadcasts

Emulate stock android music broadcast to make Vanilla Music work with external widgets and lockscreen.

  • Enable readahead

Readahead the playing track. The track won't be read 'on the fly' but fully loaded at the beginning. It may solve some audio issues due to a slow SD Card.

Media Library

  • Group albums by folder

If that box is checked during a library scan, tracks with the same album name will be separated in different albums according to the folders they are located in, and each album will have the exact same name. For example : if 10 tracks have the album tag "Sky", and 3 tracks are located in "Songs" folder while 7 tracks are located in "MP3" folder, then Vanilla will show two albums named "Sky", one with 3 tracks, the other with 7 tracks.

  • Always use built-in tag reader

Vanilla has its own tag reader. By default (box unchecked), it is only used for Ogg, Opus and FLAC while other formats (mp3, mp4...) are read by android tag reader. Checking this option will use Vanilla's internal tag reader for any file format.

  • Scan full filesystem (slower)

By default, Vanilla's media scanner only checks files which are indexed in Android's media library. By checking this option, it will scan each and every file on the device. It can help when Android's internal library don't update itself until a restart of the device for instance.

Note that whether the box is checked or not, only the indexed folders will be scanned.

  • Flush media database

This will delete all entries from the internal database and recreate a fresh database. Sorting options values will also be erased for Date added and Playcount.

Be aware that interrupting the scan by canceling it while this option is activated will reset "Hours of music played so far" number in statistics. If Vanilla is killed, not only will this number be lost, but some playlists might be erased.


  • Automatic playlist creation

Set at automatic Top playlist creation (Top 25, Top 50, Top 75 or Top 100).

  • Playlist synchronization

You can choose to import and export .m3u files (full synchronization) or just to import _or _export those files. For further details, please go to the FAQ.

  • Synchronization folder

Choose a folder from which .m3u playlists will be synced.


  • Issue tracker

if you encounter any problem with Vanilla music player, you can connect to Github and create an issue. To avoid duplicate issues, we highly recommend you to check the FAQ and existing issues (opened and closed) first.

2. Shuffle and Random modes

inactive No shuffle : It plays the queue in the normal order.

shuffleactive Shuffle tracks : It shuffles all tracks in the queue each time you activate the option.

shuffle_album_active Shuffle albums : It sorts enqueued tracks by album and shuffles them.

repeat_inactive No repeat : It stops playing after the last track of the queue.

repeat_active Repeat : The queue is repeated endlessly.

repeat_current_active Repeat current track : The current playing track is repeated endlessly.

stop_current_active Stop after current track : The current playing track is played one time.

random_active Random : At the end of the queue, totally random tracks are added gradually from your entire library. Shuffle mode will logically not work while random mode is activated.

3. Tips and tricks

  • Long pressing Shuffle and Random buttons

Rather than pressing continuously those buttons to change Shuffle and Random modes, you can long press Shuffle/Random icon to quickly choose a specific mode :

longpressshuffle longpressrepeat

  • Long pressing Play all

Long pressing Play all button may be useful to do a batch-add of tracks to queue or to playlist. You can do it in any tab (Tracks, Files, Albums..) and it can be coupled with filters --> filters


  • Sliding queue and controls

When you are in library screen, slide a little bit the now playing bar up to show controls, and slide it more to show the entire queue :


When your are in Playback screen (now playing), you can also show queue quickly by sliding controls up :


  • Quickly removing tracks from queue or playlist

To remove a track from the queue without long pressing it, just slide left on the move grabber located at right. You can also perform this in a playlist while editing it.


  • Quickly view an album in now playing screen

If you (single) press the area above progress bar, you can view the album of the currently played track. It is a quick way to do the "More from... > Album" option.
