Display Twitch Chat in MacBook Pro Touchbar. This way you can watch a stream in fullscreen mode and still follow the chat.
Download the latest ChatBar.app file from the releases page, put it in your Applications folder, and run it. On first start, you probably have to do a right click & open, since the app is not signed. OSX 10.14 or newer is required.
- Start the program and enter the channel you want to join.
- Press the chat icon (speech bubble) in the control strip of your touchbar.
- Adding the chat icon to the control strip is handled by calls to a private, undocumented API(see TouchBaer).
- The application simulates a keypress of the shift key regularly to disable the touchbar sleep function.
- The connection is done uses websockets secured with TLS, provided by the Starscream framework.
# ensure you have carthage installed, other package managers work as well like ports
$ brew install carthage
# ensure your current Xcode setup is proper (should return /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer, not something with CommandLineTools)
$ xcode-select -p
# clone the source code of ChatBar
$ git clone https://github.com/vanHavel/ChatBar
$ cd ChatBar/ChatBarProject
# ensure dependencies are installed
$ carthage update --platform macOS
# copy the starscream framework to the correct directory
$ cp -pr Carthage/Build/Mac/Starscream.framework ./
$ xcodebuild
# open your freshly compiled app
$ open build/Release/ChatBar.app